Thumb sucking


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Emily has started to suck her thumb...LOTS!!! Sorry for those here who do it but I really hate it and know if she starts it will be hard to stop her. Whenever I see her do it I try to give her a dummy but she isnt having any of it. She is fast asllep now with her thumb in her mouth but I dont want to wake her as she has been poorly all day and has only just fell asleep (it's not been a fun day!)

Any ideas or do I just let her do it?
Liv started doing it but has grown out of it already and has never had a dummy. She might just grow out of it x

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Ethan sucks his thumb when he is really tired, he has never had i dummy. I just let him do it cos it's not always in his mouth and it also gets him back to sleep if he stirs in the night. Xx
I'd have thumb over dummy ay day lol. They can't drop it in the night, cant lose it anywhere and you never have to go out in the night to buy another.

My nell was a thumb sucker and only does it in bed now. She looks so cute. I just wish Oscar could find his thumb lol x

Poppy had a dummy and god, getting rid was a nightmare hehe
See im the opposite. I think because I used to work with a girl who still sucked her thumb at 20 years old! I feel you can take a dummy from them at a certain age but you can never take thier thumb away, lol!
I sucked my thumb until I was 10!! My mum tried everything to stop me, mustard, nail biting solution etc it was only when I had a retainer fitted that I couldn't fit my thumb in my mouth :(

I twiddled my hair and stroked my nose at the same time as sucking. It was soooo lush :) am glad I've stopped now but back then no way!!

As for babys doing it, it is better than a dummy but it could cause teeth issues. Mine buck out a tiny bit but would have been worse had I not stopped. Xx
I was a thumb sucker and so was my son, luckily we both only did it at night and both gre out of it - he's nine now. My lo loves her thumb and sucks it all the time, they are great no sterilising, always there an instant friend! Let her suck it i say x
K does it and it used to drive me mad! i'm used to it now, cos i've realised nothing i can do will stop it, and she only really does it when she's tired or upset now, but it used to be permenantly wedged in there! 99% of her baby pics she's got her thumb in her mouth! was horrible in the winter last year cos it was so red and cracked! didnt stop her tho!
Zach has started doing it too. He used to have a dummy but he won't take it anymore. I tried to take it out of his mouth everytime he put it in, but he screamed the place down every time, so I have given up and am hoping he will grow out of it. Let me know if you find a way to make her stop xxx
Bless the cracked thumb - i remember when i was younger having a poisiness blister on there - did that stop me ummmm no! My son never had that though - i was talking to mil today and she said her daughter had the same; i suppose we have to wait and see how they'll be when they are older - but i would prefer a thumb to a dummy anyday.
I'd have thumb over dummy ay day lol. They can't drop it in the night, cant lose it anywhere and you never have to go out in the night to buy another.

My nell was a thumb sucker and only does it in bed now. She looks so cute. I just wish Oscar could find his thumb lol x

Poppy had a dummy and god, getting rid was a nightmare hehe

:shock: Never thought of that. Damn!! lol
haha i wish annabelle would. she looooves her little dummy and when it falls out shes so sad she cant put it back in by herself bless her x

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