Dummy or thumb sucker??

I dont like dummies and Collier seems fine with out a comfoter he sucks on his hand once in awhile when his gums are playing up but he dostn suck his thumb.
i tired collier with dummy a few times when his gums statered to hurt but he wasnt to fussd by it ans dodnt care when it fell out to be honset i was appy about this.
We use a specailly designed dummy for gums teething whe hes in pain but the rest of the time hes happy with out anything
And he dosnt need a pacifier to get him to sleep at nights hes always been an excellent night sleeper. :D
Tyler my eldest had a dummy and boy did he love it. He used to walk around with one in his mouth, one in each hand, and one attached to him via a clip :rotfl: Tbh i bought loads and only gave him one - which conveniently he lost so i gave him another. he wouldn't sleep without one. I think he was 3 when i finally managed to get them off him at night.

Cayla never ever liked them, I tried her with one and took a pic of her with it in and thats the only pic i've got with one in. She would gag on it. She never used her thumb either.

Aidan never liked dummys either and he never sucked his thumb.

Now for Leela - I keep trying her with dummy's but she takes it out and sticks her thumb in - she is absolutely in love with her thumb. Never having had a thumb sucker i'm not sure whether to leave her carry on or not.

Here's a pic
My Joradn is eight now and he still sucks his thumb.

His front teeth are a bit crooked but the dentist said it's not all down to sucking his thumb but it hasn't helped.

We've tried star charts and they worked for a few months but he always goes back to it.

We're now doing star charts and puttingon the nasty tasting nail biting stuff 8)
gave Dylan a dummy after a mamouth 3 hour feed when he was 3 weeks old he gave that up in favour of his thumb at about 3 months..he didn't want his dummy then gave thumb up now just need him to give up the boob for comfort ..lol
I have a serious thumb sucker - I have to pull it out of his mouth to feed him :roll:

TBH I don't care at the moment - and for what it's worth my mum stopped sucking her thumb at about 7 yers ago... she was about 43 I think! And that was only because I told a few people I worked with and she was so angry / embarassed / upset at me that she stopped! She doesn't have buck teeth though. Go figure!
DUMMY! :lol:

Riley loves his dummy......and so do I!!! they are lifesavers! He is quite a sucky baby, so they calm him down loads 8)
Stanley loves his dummy. He only has it at night now, and I'm not worried about him giving it up in the future. I never wanted to encourage thumb sucking as an alternative; I've seen too many 18 year olds in my class sucking their thumbs (whilst sleeping; yes, I'm THAT interesting a teacher folks :rotfl: )

The only thing that is a PITA is when I forget one when we're staying out. It has happened, I'm so ditsy at times. Then he whinges and grizzles and I wish he'd stick a thumb in it. :wink:
Both, my little girl isnt allowed her dummy during the day now so shes resorted to thumb sucking, but still occasionally when shes settling for the night we will offer her the dummy to help settle and then when shes asleep the thumb goes in!

Kathryn was a very sucky baby and the MIL persuaded her (after 20 minutes) to accept a dummy whilst I took a nap. I was cross about this but I have to admit it did help me and Kathryn to rest a little better. It's hard to sleep with a baby on your boob! It saved me from becoming totally insane after 3 weeks of constantly soothng her with my boobies- It was obvious that she was only feeding 50% of the time y'see. I *plan* to stop using the dummy at 1 year but best laid plans and all that. I'm not beating myself up about it at the moment or putting any pressure on myself to stop. As far as I'm concerned setting a deadline that I feel I MUST stick to will only cause stress and anxiety for me which ultimately isn't good for Kathryn.

As for thumb sucking I have nothing against it- I sucked my thumb at night until I was 11 with no negative effects. My twin sister however, sucked her thumb until she was forced to stop at 10 because she had a brace fitted... she needed the brace to repair the damage she'd done by sucking her thumb so hard she not only pushed her teeth forward- she pushed her whole top jaw!
I tried a dummy to see if i could get a bit more sleep at night, but she just refused it. She sometimes sucks her thumb but it's not often, so i'm pleased about that.
Charlie was a very sucky baby to the point that everyone nicknamed him leech on the maternity ward as I couldnt get him off the boob. My milk never came in so we had to resort to bottles and a dummy. The dummy was a godsend apart from the nights when he used to lose it at night and other times when he would spit it out then want it back but was too young to do it...many a night I spent half out of bed holding his dummy in for him whilst rocking the moses basket :roll:

He loved his dummy (we had about 6 on the go at one stage) and then started to reduce it to naps and bedtime only then suddenly one night he didnt realise he had handed it over (about 2 months ago) when having his bedtime milk and I didnt give it back. When he finally realised it was missing I told him it had flown away on a balloon and he believed me and we have never looked back since!!!! He even tells me now that his dummy flew away over Pauline's garden (our next door neighbour) so we just keep up with the story!
I sucked my thumb as a child and eventually ended up with crooked teeth and painful braces so was adament that Charlie would have a dummy and we would get rid of it eventually.
We were against dummies from the start & Amelia turned out to be a thumb sucker. We even have a scan of her sucking her thumb so I don't think we would have been able to stop her! She only sucks it when she's tired. DH & his sister were both thumb suckers so we didnt stand a chance!
I didn't want to give Sprog a dummy at first, but it's really helped us with settling. We've weaned him from it on a night now (which is great, as he was waking every 15 mins from 5am at one point to get it replaced).

During the day I still give it to him sometimes, mainly because he sucks his first two fingers, and I'm worried that it could eventually cause problems with his teeth, plus he shoves them right in and makes himself gag.
Ha ha, I can remember my Dad taking my dummy away one night when I went to bed and chucking it in the bin so God knows how old I was!!! I can remember being pretty devastated though!!

Both my girls are thumb suckers - they both started pretty early and it was a godsend as they were suddenly much happier to be put down (boobs weren't so sore either!!!). Daisy is nearly 6 now and still sucks her thumb but only at night and when she's feeling tired or upset. I'm not going to make an issue of trying to stop them - I think most kids naturally grow out of it although I once shared a house with a 17 year old who sucked her thumb and picked at an old teddy at the same time (she was a bit strange though!!!)
We have a dummy sucker :D
I personally don't see it as a problem,babies need comforters and i would rather she had a dummy then a thumb! I think it's easier to wean them of dummies as well,because you can hide it etc whereas with thumbs,it' always there :lol:
She wont suck on anything but booby for comfort.

I've tried dummys (i was quite against them at first) but she wouldnt keep it in her mouth.
She sucks her knuckles sometimes but never her thumb.

Oh and she will suck on the side of my finger sometimes too but not for long.

Id rather she didnt suck her thumb as my sister is 10 and still does it, it looks awful and cant be doing her teeth any good. I never sucked my thumb or took a dummy so figners crossed she'll be the same
Rudy LOVES his dummy, he has it to fall asleep before bed and likes to have it in the morning. He's had a few thumb sucks but the dummy has stopped that becoming a habit.

My boobs are soooooooooo thankfull for the dummy!

Here he is before hitting the hay-


Alex xxx
jack is also a dummy sucker now!! we were advised by the midwife because he put on quite a lot of weight in a week! its such a relief because he used to comfort suck on my boobis!! he is asleep on me at the mo wth his dummy! xx

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