
Dragonfly Fi

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
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I have been battling with thrush now for about three weeks :(

Its horrid and i hate it and i know that i should be doing this but me and Liam have both taken an oral thrush pill today, i cant handle it anymore, its really taken a hold and i cant see any other way to get rid of it :(

my worst fear is having to give birth while i have thrush, i am going to tear for sure if that is the case and we want to do perinium massage but even that is agony right now

so i have taken the pill - i hope people dont think i am putting my own needs above my babies needs but i just needed too

sorry needed to get that off my chest x
I had thrush for the whole 9 months, it was so sore it bled! I used cream and pessery's over and over but nothing shifted it. I still had thrush when i delivered but it cleared up pretty much straight away once baby born. if the other treatments haven't worked i dont see the pill working either. xx
Hope it clears up soon :-( Thrush is shit! I've only had it once so far for a week and that was bad enough Xx
that puts me at ease a bit
am hoping that it sorts it out though, the oral pill is generally very good because it works with the imbalances inside the body to remove the fungus rather than treating it topically (you could always miss a spot and fungus grows)
its always done the trick in the past anyway
plus, i dont believe thrush is something that only affects us topically, if that were the case every time i had thrush i wouldnt also get athletes foot and vice versa

its definatly an imbalance somewhere and the only thing i have ever known to sort it is the oral pill

I normally have it every few weeks because i take anti-biotics all the time for a condition. I have only had it once since i hav been pregnant and that was bad enough with having other symptoms of pregnancy so i have no idea what it would be like now.

I hope the pill clears it for you nice and quick!!! :hug:
Are you not supposed to take the pill in pregnancy? Thrush is horrid and i can see why you have taken it - gosh with everything else thats going on its the last thing you need - hope it clears up soon hun xx
Hope it sorts itself out. I keep getting it, using lots of cream, and its gone by the next day.
Ive found changing the type of pants I've been wearing helps. I bought some thongs the other day in a big size, but within a day I was so sore I was bleeding, so back to big giant pants!
Are you not supposed to take the pill in pregnancy? Thrush is horrid and i can see why you have taken it - gosh with everything else thats going on its the last thing you need - hope it clears up soon hun xx

i did a bit of research and have found a few people who have had it offered to them in the late second and third trimester

they have found problems with the pill but only in the first tri and when used to fight much more extreme bacterial infections (like mengitus) and so given in 4 times the dose you take for thrush and also more frequently (so a course of pills rather than a single dose)

i had a look and the pros outweighed the cons for me, i have found myself tearing slightly during sex if i have thrush that is undiagnosed at that point and so i dont want to take the risk during childbirth

plus it will get rid of my athletes foot which i always get when i get thrush... its getting a bit much trying to treat both!

I think its okay, if i was in the first tri i definatly wouldnt have taken it but on researching the drug for myself i think i am okay x

I normally have it every few weeks because i take anti-biotics all the time for a condition. I have only had it once since i hav been pregnant and that was bad enough with having other symptoms of pregnancy so i have no idea what it would be like now.

I hope the pill clears it for you nice and quick!!! :hug:

I get really nasty thrush with anti-biotics, like a dry thrush sort of thing
its horrid i am dead suceptible to it, i make them give me thrush cream and a pessary every time they prescribe anti-biotics!
I can't see why you shouldn't take it then hun - lets hope it work quick x

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