

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Wasn't sure if this is the right place to put this but since I'm not a mummy yet didn't want to post in baby and parenting.
My friend and her 10.5 month old have been up staying since momday, they're supposed to be going home on Tuesday. Now this is a long visit for me as I'm so used to my routine and my own space. Her little boy still doesn't sleep through. He wakes about 4 or 5 times a night and he's at that stage where is in to everything and you can't really leave him in a room on how own while he's awake. He's been ill quite a lot and she said a health visitor tried to help her with controlled crying but apparently even she said she wasn't sure what do. Don't get me wrong he's lovely. But now I'm worrying this is gonna happen with me. I know all baby's are different but is this the norm or the exception for a 10 month old? She has him in a routine during the day.
I must say I am actually knackered
And can't wait to get my bed back, my house back and my own routine. I guess being pregnant is making me.more tired. Hats off to all the ladies who are pregnant and have LO's already!!!!!

So any thoughts?
Hey :) think by the time most babies are 10 months they are sleeping through, there are just that handful that dont. Nightmare eh?! You'll be ok. Your baby may not be anything like hers. It must be hard having 2 eh?! I dot know how I'm gonna cope at all! Lol. But you will be ok, your routine may suffer some upset for a little while but once you're settled with your baby it will just be like starting a new routine. Xxxx
Yeah I'm really hoping my baby will sleep through most nights at 10months :) I was really hands on with my other friends baby and i kid you not it only took a week to get him in a routine. He was an angel but he's autistic so we think that played a big part in why he was such a quiet baby.
I don't think you're ever prepared but you have an idea for the first few months that you'll be sleep deprived lol. Think I'm just shocked at how much he's awake at night and how active he is during the day. Thanks lexi, I don't think I'd cope.with one and one on the way. Then again we'd just have to manage ;)
My friends 15 month old isn't sleeping through yet and she refuses to do controlled crying! I'm sorry if I sound like a cow or a tough mum but if Charley's not sleeping through by 6-8months, I'll do controlled crying! I did it to lace at 6 months to get her through the night and it worked and I did it to charley at 4 weeks to get him to settle at night and it worked!
Like you say though all babies are different so your's might be a brill sleeper!
I can't wait until next week to find out what your having.... GIRL ;)
Oh and lexi, it's Saturday!! My 2nd guess for you!!! :D
My friends 15 month old isn't sleeping through yet and she refuses to do controlled crying! I'm sorry if I sound like a cow or a tough mum but if Charley's not sleeping through by 6-8months, I'll do controlled crying! I did it to lace at 6 months to get her through the night and it worked and I did it to charley at 4 weeks to get him to settle at night and it worked!
Like you say though all babies are different so your's might be a brill sleeper!
I can't wait until next week to find out what your having.... GIRL ;)
Oh and lexi, it's Saturday!! My 2nd guess for you!!! :D

Me too chaz! Although I'll need to find.out how to do controlled crying because I will have a nervous breakdown if my baby isn't sleeping through by then lol.
I can't wait either :) I still have no.instinct about what I'm having!
I haven't made a guess about when little.lexi will appear cos I know ill get it wrong ;)

In my experience (i'm a childminder), 'most' 10 month old baby's will sleep a good 9-10 hours solid a night. Some babies do still wake up though. Some babies just aren't very good sleepers I guess. What time does your friend give him some dinner and/or milk before he goes to bed? Maybe he's getting hungry during the night?

Other than the controlled crying as others have suggested I don't relly know what to suggest.

controlled crying does work if done properly

does she speak to him when he wakes in the night?
does he wake for milk or is it just that its now habbit to wake?
is it every night that he is waking?

waking 4-5 time a night is alot as none of mine did that many times even when they was newborn xx
Some children and babies just arnt very good sleepers, unfortunately my son is one of them. Hes 3 now and still wakes at least once a night. He goes through fazes of sleeping through but its not very often.

The best thing like others have said is controlled crying, but it is hard to do. Some kids just cant sleep for long periods of time. My son doesnt cry at night but he wakes up and chats to him self etc until he falls asleep again. He also talks alot in his sleep which wakes himself up lol.. Hopefully her Lo will start sleeping soon.
She gives him dinner about 4pm , he also a very fussy eater. His bedtime is 6.30 but he gets milk before that but sometimes doesn't have much. He wakes and she gives him milk if he'll take it. Any tips on.controlled crying when he cries till.he makes himself.sick? I think she's terrified he'll choke.

I worry about this too my friend has an 18 month old and since he was born she has never had him in a routine...he goes and gets sweets and food out of the cupboard himself and has done since he was 1 year old. He still wakes through night alot and sometimes won't go back to bed at 3 in the morning so she has to get up. Its the way you bring them up...hes confused as he has never had a routine and only until recently he stayed up til 11 at night playing with his toys. I am gonna be very strict with my kid, i want a routine as soon as possible...i just don't want it to be as hard work as my mates. I think i'd just run away lol xxx
Hey, it is hard to predict how baby will be I think.. xx
Mine slept through (probably cuz I failed breastfeeding and ended up bottle feeding) quite early - and she's still a sleep angel ay 3 and a half.

My friend's 2 year old wakes repeatedly all night.

I slept through. My little brother didn't.

My friend's 3 year old woke at various annoying times til not that long ago.

I'm afraid they're all different and different tactics will or won't work with each different child. Trial and error and earplugs, that's the way (and consistency!)

You'll be fine and you'll cope when it's your time.

I reckon my baby will take after it's half brother who stays up late and wakes at the crack of dawn. However baby will know that's not part of my agenda (stepson is 9, so I'm not thinking of immediately, I'm thinking of later on).

Good luck!
Mine slept through (probably cuz I failed breastfeeding and ended up bottle feeding) quite early - and she's still a sleep angel ay 3 and a half.

My friend's 2 year old wakes repeatedly all night.

I slept through. My little brother didn't.

My friend's 3 year old woke at various annoying times til not that long ago.

I'm afraid they're all different and different tactics will or won't work with each different child. Trial and error and earplugs, that's the way (and consistency!)

You'll be fine and you'll cope when it's your time.

I reckon my baby will take after it's half brother who stays up late and wakes at the crack of dawn. However baby will know that's not part of my agenda (stepson is 9, so I'm not thinking of immediately, I'm thinking of later on).

Good luck!

Thanks chick,
Yeah hope I can be consistent because I think that helps a lot although not easy ;)

My 20th month old is the best sleeper but then I started a routine as soon as I stopped breastfeeding at 4 months. She sleeps from 8pm til 9am then from 2pm til 5pm! She gets a bath every other night (always has done) and a story in her cot every night. It definitely helps x
i think it depends alot on how you are with them(don't want to offend anyone).

you just need a solid routine. feed, bath and bed at the same time very night. i went all night from 2 weeks when i was a baby.

i know all babies are diiferent but if they aren't sleeping then i think it's how you react to that. just keep calm and not panick or stress. they pick up on any form of tension. my sister had some troubles with my niece due to colic. she would sleep fine until this happened. sister at 1st got abit worried and panicky which made lo worse as soon as she calmed down she settled again.

im just going by what i have seen. also every mum i know swears by johns baby bedtime bath. works a treat apparently.


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