
Our area is un turmoil at the moment - we have no set Midwife for some reason so it's always who ever is on duty for the neighbouring area lol

Like you I am also being given "extra support" due to past mental health issues - I however am not as good as keeping my mouth shut as you are and if I get treated that way they will be getting a well thoughtout mouthful back! lol

You are just too nice Pinky!! Remember they are there to help and support you hun not give you grief and more things to stress about - if you are anything like me it will niggle at you constantly until you say something or get it sorted in some way xx
Our area is un turmoil at the moment - we have no set Midwife for some reason so it's always who ever is on duty for the neighbouring area lol

Like you I am also being given "extra support" due to past mental health issues - I however am not as good as keeping my mouth shut as you are and if I get treated that way they will be getting a well thoughtout mouthful back! lol

You are just too nice Pinky!! Remember they are there to help and support you hun not give you grief and more things to stress about - if you are anything like me it will niggle at you constantly until you say something or get it sorted in some way xx

Yeah I'm exactly like that, it will niggle at me until I can say something. Spoke to my therapist about it this morning and he said to talk to her about it and if she is weird about it then she's in the wrong job lol. I do find it difficultto stand up for myself at times. Defo need to be more assertive without being nasty.

Thanks for all the comments ladies :)

aww so sorry you got a miserable 1 :( i dont know how you go about changing them ive never needed to

as for the breast feeding if she goes on just tell her its your decision not hers!! i had a pushy consultant on my 1st and 2nd and as soon as they meantioned breast feeding i stopped them in their tracks and told them there is no way i was breast feeding and they are going straight on a bottle stick to your guns hun this time im more open to breast feeding i think because i know she will be my last and ive never tried it :(

as for routine yes you can get them in a routine best advice i can give is-

dont put the baby down fully asleep if you can help it try and put him or her in her crib/moses just before they fall asleep so they get use to falling asleep on there own

if you find you have a baby that falls asleep half way through a bottle only to wake 20 mins later for the rest of the bottle just before they fall asleep change their nappy or strip the baby grow off them this will keep them a little more alert and will more more inclinded to finish the bottle, also make sure the baby isny working to hard to get the milk out of the teat as this will cause them to fall asleep tooo

get your baby use to time alone on his or her play mat too this will help you if you need to get something done

and finally get your baby use to noise ie hoover tv i never turn things down when the baby is sleeping

Thanks hun, thats really helpful :)

Aww hun you can do it! I have no issue standing up for myself if I know I am right and would not dream of showing someone they have got to me lol I am stubborn tho and had to hide my illness due to lack of support when I was younger I got used to wearing a mask so people could not see - on my own tho I would simmer and wind myself up lol I am still like it now!

Just remember they are there to help and support you not patronise you - imagine the other poor girls not as strong as you she might be doing it to :(

You can do it hun! Just square your shoulders and let her have it - you will feel better! lol xxx
I've still never met my named midwife and have seen a different one every time I've been, which is now 8 weeks, 16 weeks, 17 weeks and 24 weeks! Can't complain though, they've all been pretty nice and since you don't see named midwife at the birth anyway, don't see the point in having one? Must be awful to see the same person over and again and know that's all you can have if you don't like her - she sounds like a right patronising cow!

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