Routine for baby?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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How many of you want their baby to follow a routine from the straight beginning? I am reading a book called The Contented Litlle Baby Book by Gina Ford and I am impressed by what she is saying. She is a midwife with more than 30 years experience and she guarantees baby sleeping full nights after 6 weeks if her routine is being followed.

Has any of you tried a routine before, did it work well? Or do you think feeding baby on demand etc... is better?
I don't know whether I've been lucky or whether it's normal, but all my kids have had their own routines which we've just gone along with. We started by feeding on demand, and did a detailed diary of all their feeds. It doesn't take long before you can spot their natural habits.

Tracy xx
Hiya Future Mum

I've read the same book, and felt that though it feels very regimented, it seemed to make sense. The reason I bought the book is because I was browsing in a bookshop and a woman approached me when I was reading the back cover, and said she'd followed it with her little girl and found it to be fantastic.

Anyway, I thought I'd give it a go.

Haven't really read much else, so I don't have a lot to compare it to - any other good book recommendations would be appreciated!


Never really read any particular books but tended to pick up bits of advice here and there from my friends and family, magazines etc. All of my five children were sleeping through the night from 6 weeks. Hopefully this one will be the same.

I do think a routine is important, for both Mum and Baby but a flexible one is needed if you have a house full of children.

Ragna & bump xxx
All of my five children were sleeping through the night from 6 weeks.

Could I ask a personal question......Did you breastfeed? The reason I ask is because people have actually been trying to put me off of breastfeeding as they reckon the baby is less contented and wakes up more. I plan to breastfeed whatever, but it would be good to hear whether you did and if you can offer a different perspective!
:roll: Hi Rosieroo
Just replying to your post.
I breastfed my daughter until she was 18 months old. She was amazing from the start with regards to routine and sleep. Although she would wake for a feed during the night for the first 3 months - she soon slept through without any encouragement. I could just "plug her in" during the night - she quickly dozed off again and I wasn't getting stressed with over-heating bottles, etc.
My son on the other hand was bottlefed (struggled to BF him) - he was a complete nightmare! Colicky and VERY constipated. He woke for at least 3 feeds during the night - a dreadful sleeper until the age of 2!
Every baby is so different, but I will stick to routine again and enjoy "plugging in" once more!!!
Emilia :lol:

Well I breastfed my first son for about 2 weeks but because I was so poorly I had to start bottle feeding. This to be honest put me off for my 2nd two children and I bottlefed them both. Then with my last two I breastfed them both for about 8 weeks. So it was different with them all. I did have a strict way though in the night, I would literally feed and change and put back, try not to make it too cuddly & this definately worked for me. Hard when all you want to do it sit for hours and cuddle, but when at 6 weeks they were sleeping through the night I knew it was worth it.

Something someone said to me that I am going to try is to feed them every 3 hours all day so at night they will be topped up as such and will sleep better. Thought this might be worth trying. Although this is my 6th baby, You have to remember its been 12 years since my last was tiny and i feel like a new Mum again !!! Just hope it will all fall into place once Ive had baby !!

Ragna & bump xxx
I'm wanting to start Ava on a routine in the next few weeks but am kind of intimidated because she's quite a fussy baby. I don't know where to start! :?
Thank you for your replies :) It has helped reassure me, and it would seem it's not just what their fed (breast/bottle) that makes a contented baby.
I was getting fed up with hearing the negativity about it all. Considering breast feeding is meant to be best, a lot of people (including my family, but not DH) are against it. DH said that maybe they are just trying to prepare me if I can't do it so I wont feel like such a failure....who knows.
But thanks :)
This book was mentioned in my anti-natal class. Aparently its VERY stricked with routine right from the begining. Our midwife dosent like it for that reason, but says some people swear by it, but it is very hard work. Her recomendation was to feed on demand in the early weeks, just while you try to settle in , as being a new mum can be stressfull enough and a comon cause of post natl depression is putting to much expectation on yourselves. So its easier to get settled in to caring form your baby to start with, then when you feel more confident start introducing a routine. I will probably be a right mess to start with, so the idea of trying to instanty do a routine scares the hell out of me!
Hi, im reading the book at the moment, and yes, r7om what i have read it does seem very regimented, although i have approx 4 friends who have used this book, and they all have said how fantastic it is. Their babies have all slept right through from 6/7 weeks. Its something id like to try. i guess everyone is different, and from what ive heard, health professionals arent keen on Gina ford, so each to their own!

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