Thoughts about your baby's sex.


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Did you know that in a study that asked women with no previous knowledge about their baby's sex, the moms-to-be correctly guessed the sex of their baby 71% of the time!

source: ... myths.html

Do you THINK you know what you are having?

With my first child I had a very strong feeling it was a boy, but didn't want to tell anyone in case it wasn't. It was!

This time round I'm having girl thought, but I don't know if that's just wishful thinking (although as always, I don't really MIND what sex it is)
Anyone else having these feelings?
Are you dreaming about the sex?[/b]
Sigh..I wish I had a clue. Cos they dont even let you know at the 20 week scan here!!!

Ive not had a clue with any of my children. (this baby will be my 6th)

And Im afraid I havnt a clue this time either!.

Really dont mind either way....Got One Boy and Four girls if I have a Boy..nice cos it will even it out and wil take my husbands name. But if I have a girl..will be lovely..cos Im used to little girls now!. So honestly will be thrilled whatever.Never thougth we would be having another after a horrific miscarriage in September this really is our little miracle. (keeping it all crossed as its still early days)

Love Ragna x
This is quite a weird thing really, going on gut feelings I think I'm having a girl but my hubby thinks it's a boy. Don't think it's wishful thinking cos neither of us have preference really.

But on the subject of dreams I've had 3 about the baby's sex.

The first dream it was dressed in a bright pink sleepsuit but when I looked to see if it was a boy or girl it was a boy. I'm not sure if that was about me thinking it's a girl but telling me it's a boy, but the two dreams after have been definitly girls but one had dark hair like me and the other had light hair like Chris.

It's all very strange but it'll be interesting to see how it compares to reality!
Ive alwasy thought i was having a boy right from about 6 weeks! its a strange feeling , im thinking that maybe the ones that cant tell are having girls? as most people that guess are having boys! maybe its the testosterone and with a girl theres nothing different so maybe you just cant tell, lol just my little theory!
Glad i read that though makes me even more sure - i was so sure i was going to start buying boy bits! recently the feelings arnt as strong but maybe the boys bits have grown now and i cant tell. lol - who knows!!!

ive also always dempt i had a girl not really sure why. as my body is telling BOY BOY BOY lol maybe it was as i originally really wanted a girl in pretty pink lol
i have no idea as to what i am having, i would love to have a little boy so would my man, but i suppose its too late now ha ha.
i couldn't stop laughing at those stories they were great.
from early on Iv had a strong feeling its a girl, I do not mind the sex as long as it is healthy, but do have this odd feeling its a girl, its hard to explain, iv got a while to wait before I find out though!
Laura x
Ive had very vivid dreams all in which ive given birth to boys ive even had someone in my dreams come up to me pat me on tummy and said the chosen boys name. weird...
dont mind what sex the baby is cant wait to find out... :D
Hmmm...well I felt it was a girl very early on but my husband thinks its a boy because we did the dance directly on ovulation day which is supposed to produce boys...

My 19 year old sister claims that she can accurately guess what a pregnant woman is carrying. I think she's just way out there but she's convinced I'll have a boy too!


On the other hand, when my mother was carrying my sister, the little targer moved around so much that she thought she was carrying a third boy! She had had two boys in a row before that. And as I said, the little foetus was moving so fast that one day the obstetrician felt the head in different places and told my mother she might be carrying twins that masked each other in the U/S! It was a wee baby girl!

Best of luck to all
i constantly call the baby in my tummy a girl, and by the girls name that we like at the moment...
my best friend is convinced i'm going to have a boy, but she was convinced that she was going to have a boy (she didn't find out the sex throughout her pregnancy) and she was in shock (as were we all) when she had a gorgeous baby girl!

I don't care what i have, just as long they're healthy!!!

Hi everyone

Heard of a funny way to find out what you're having......If you hold a baby in your arms, it will cry if you're having one of the same sex in your tummy. If they're happy - you're having one of the opposite sex! Happy trying! So far, I'm having a girl (according to my research) Having a scan tomorrow - here in SA they can tell you from as early as 12 weeks what you're having. Oooohhhh - don't know if I should find out or not!!! Will let you know of outcome!
Kindest Regards
Emilia :lol:
The sex of the baby is determined by the mans sperm....because to have boys you'll need an X and Y chromosome....and to have a girl you need to have two X chromosomes......with that in mind women carry the single X chromosome, while the men carry both the X and Y like I said the sex of th ebaby is determined by the male because it all depends what catches the egg (meaning the X or Y chromosomes)! Below is a link where I got this information if anyone wants to check it out feel free. ... Complete=1
The sex of the baby is determined by the mans sperm....
because to have boys you'll need an X and Y
chromosome....and to have a girl you need to
have two X chromosomes......with that in
mind women carry the single X chromosome,
while the men carry both the X and Y chromosomes...
so like I said the sex of th ebaby is determined
by the male because it all depends what catches
the egg (meaning the X or Y chromosomes)!
Below is a link where I got this information
if anyone wants to check it out feel free. ... Complete=1
Hi folks wot a great subject we've got into here lol. So did my hubby give me sperm with an x or y? I'm 13 wks now but for several wks I've had feeling I'm carrying a boy which my hubby would prefer I'd rather a girl but as long it's healthy I don't care. I do find it strange that deep down I'd like a girl but think it's a boy surely I should feel it's a girl I'm carrying if thats wot I'd rather it be, strange lol. I'll fine out in about 27wks.
I don't care what I have either as long as they are healthy I'll be fine either way.
I really want to find out i wish i could no now i am so impatient!! :lol: i had a dream that it was going to be a little boy.... i have dreamt of having a boy then a girl since i was little (you no when you dream of being a mum!! ) i guess it was being an only child and wanting a big brother (only so i could check out his mates!!! :lol: )

Liann and Sweetpea!!

emilia said:
......If you hold a baby in your arms, it will cry if you're having one of the same sex in your tummy. If they're happy - you're having one of the opposite sex!

Well I held my newborn niece twice the other day, she cried the first time and was fine the second time. Perhaps my baby is gender confused!
What was strange though is that as I held her to my left side against my stomach, my bub started kicking where my niece was resting!

As for guessing the sex, I keep thinking its going to be a boy, even though I would rather have a girl (not that I mind either way)!

I was convinced my first was a boy (he was). Thought second was a girl (he wasnt). i think this one is a girl, not bothered though, as long as healthy.

My sister in law saw a spiritualist who told her that she could see a baby on a pink cloud around 18 months, and also the name 'Lucy'. It would be about 18 months in september, and me and hubby had picked the names Lucy for a girl and Liam for a boy. How spooky is that?


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