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thoughts about an epidural?


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2010
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Hey girls

I know its early to be thinking about it but what do we all think about pain relief in labour? Im going over my birth plan soon with the midwife and i have no idea what i want!

The thought of going through the actual giving birth with no pain relief scares the hell out of me but ive heard so many bad things about epidurals and other drugs like pethine?
ive had gas and air pethadine and on my last i had diamorphine instead of pethadine and i found i didnt feel sick of it so id say gas and air and diamophine ive never had an epi they scare the s**t out of me lol
I don't cope well with strong pain killers (get it from my Mum who can't even take nurofen!). But having said that when i'm in pain I can't have anybody or anything touching me so I reckon having to suck on the gas and air will pee me off!

I've heard loads of horror stories about epidurals one of which was from my Mum but i'll spare you the details so I really don't think i'll opt for that, i'll probably get them to inject me with something that hopefully won't leave me spaced out!

All that waffle wasn't any help was it lol :)

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I don't think I will go for an epidural unless required in emergency if I had to have an emergency scan. I am needle phobic so the thought of an epidural give me the horrors! Also I don't really want anything that can cross the placenta to the baby. Easy to say when you're not in labour!! Lol

I am not the best coping with pain and think ill end up asking for epidural. But now I'm not so sure if there's horror stories about it? X
I think with me I'm going to have to play it by ear..... if the pain get's too bad as for something more! The epidural thought isn't one I want to take likely but if required it's a route I'll have to take....plenty of women have it without problems too x
im going for gas and air and morphine same as when i had my son. Will only have epi if its needed in an emergency to x
But having said that when i'm in pain I can't have anybody or anything touching me so I reckon having to suck on the gas and air will pee me off!


the gas and air mouth peice comes in handy for biting on too :)

please dont worry about pain thresholds im a big baby when it comes to tooth ache or headache but can cope fine with labour :)
I have had an epidural and honestly it is wonderful for pain relief. I had been in slow labour for 5 days before in was in established labour and I was so tired. They desperately wanted me to sleep and my daughter was also back to back - it absolutely killed! Back labour is not fun! I had normal contractions at 34 weeks, they thought I was in labour and I found that very manageable - didn't need pain relief then. The best bit of advice I could give is keep an open mind and don't beat yourself up if you feel you need pain relief. I do not feel that the epidural had any negative effects on my daughter - she breastfed straight away, no problems and was alert and content. I tried pethadine which I personally didn't like much, felt drunk and out of control but still had pain. The epi was the only thing that helped. I was totally against anything other than gas and air but once I was in established labor I knew I needed more. I realised that it really depends on what position baby was in and wish I would have known the importance of this first time around. I would say sit on your ball as much as you can and go down on all fours and rock hips to help baby get in optimum position. Believe me it will help with the pain in labour. My girl did not have her chin tucked into her chest, had her head upright and it bloody kills! He never got into a good position for labour and became distressed after 24 hours of est labour so I ended up with a section.
I wont be having one, but only as I had one last time and it didnt work for me. Infact I obviously dont agree with pain drugs either as nothing really stoppd the pain just made me feel sick which was worse. I dont really take medication for anything else so im hoping ill cope without. Even gas and air made me ill. But I think if your in that muh pain and you need a rest or just dont feel you can cope theyre a brill thing, but i found that people always make you feel like a wimp for having one.. like 'ohh well i managed on just gas and air ' blah blah..
I 100% would go for it if needed! I think i probably will...its nice knowing if you can't cope any longer theres always an epidural to take the pain away. Theres a spinal block as well isn't there...which is similar to an epidural??? x
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I swore all the way through my pregnancy I wasn't having an epidural, am a complete wuss and totally needle phobic. After 28 hours of contractions without any form of pain relief I finally got my hands on some gas and air... Didn't have any effect on me whatsoever so two hours later I was begging for an epidural! You honestly don't see or feel it being done and it was bloody great! It didn't make me feel sick or spaced out and I remember every second of my labour and it was completely pain free :) well for the last five hours anyway lol
I think it all depends on the person how it works really, and its something you can't find out until its done! I know if I decide to have anymore kids I'll definitely be having an epidural again! But that's just me :) x
definately dont rule it out, you will only feel disappointed if u end up needing it, keep an open mind. no one knows how their labour is going to go and it may be an epidural is the only way to cope or rest. I ended up having to get one because i needed a c-section and the relief after days of contractions was AMAZING!! x
nice to hear some good stories about epidurals! im deffo not ruling it out it just seems very extreme x
It's quite scary really thinking of all your pain relief options. I am not ruling anythingnout, but really really want a water birth which means you can't really have any pain relief other than gas and air, so ive just got to try and relax during labour and I'm gonna listen to the hypnobirthing cd and hope that helps me! I'm looking forward to the experience because I am really intrigued as to what it's really like. And how painful. I tell myself it's gonna be the worst pain ever to try and trick myself into believing it's bad so I feel better about it if it's not as bad as I expect lol ! Looking forward to it in all honesty. I don't like the idea of an epidural but understand if I need one because I'm not coping then I will consider one. I haven got any phobias or anything so doesn't really bother me, I just don't like the idea of getting a splitting headache because they puncture the wrong bit. Puts me off a bit. X
i do not want one unless it is an emergency.

was talking to oh about it last night whilst watching one born every minute. he said dont rule anything out you dont know how you will be. then followed it with actually you are so stubborn that you would want to prove a point by not having one.

sounds about right.
haha i had one with my son and it did take some pain away but it went of very soon and because all the people who do them were busy on a emergancy i had to go threw pain threw one side as it ad worn of but unable to walk for last 2 hours of labor then when the fella was free again i had to be rushed in for section

i dont rule anything out, ill do what ever i need to get threw it x
I really don't want an epidural, I don't like the thought of what it actually does - i keep thinking, blocking all feeling from the waist down, can't be good. Also, I've heard stories about women not being able to feel it so the baby gets stuck and a forceps delivery is more likely. I think that generations of women have coped without, and I really want to. I'm thinking that the pain is there for a reason, to make us push and feel what we feel! It's not God being horrible, haha. But, it's easy to say that now (it's like saying you'll go on a diet when you've just had a huge meal!!) but in the middle of labour who knows!
I'm just gonna go into it with an open mind. Met a friend today and she said remember it probably won't go to plan. And when I was a birthing partner my friends labour didn't go to plan either. If the pain gets too much I would ask for one. Just have to wait and see *gulp* haha.

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birth plans make me laugh

i now leave mine blank and see how it goes only thing i do request is hubby to cut the cord :)

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