Thought I'd share this...


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2011
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Not sure how often this happens and don't want to scare anyone or make anyone worry!

My friend has just had a her baby (this morning), he's gorgeous, 7lb 3oz - perfectly healthy! :D

Only problem is, she was told at her 20 weeks scan he... was a she! :shock:

She bought everything in pink! :O Her nursery is decorated with fairys and tinkerbelle and disney!

She;s very pleased he's healthy, and says he's going to be wearing a lot of pink sleepsuits lol x

Does anyone know of anyone else that this has happened to? x
Hi i have known this happen to a few people before a friend was told at her 20 week scan she was having a boy she then went to have a 4d scan done and the woman asked if she knew what she was having she said yes so not to worry about looking, the stenographer then kept saying she is very cute and she is a good size so my friend in the end said who is she the stenographer said you are having a little girl i thought you said you knew my friend had to ask her to show her just so she could be sure.

I was told at 2 different scans what i was having a girl then i had a 4d scan and she asked if i knew what i was having i said i had been told but i wanted her to tell me to just so i could be sure and she said it was a girl as well so fingers crossed all 3 of them wernt wrong
I have heard of this a few times, and I'm hoping that after all the boys clothes we have bought that they aren't wrong lol
But I will be getting them to check again at the 4 d scan, just in case lol
ive also hear about this, when we had our 20week scan she tried to show us his bits, do think i saw something but not sure! though as we are having growth scans she said get them to check if we feel worried! we havent brought much int he way of clothing so will wait till after growth scan i think!
I have heard about this happening apparently its more common to happen when you have been told its a girl.
I do still have in my mind that it bean could be a boy but i had a scan at 15 weeks and the lady said there was no boy parts and she thought it would be girl but to wait till my 20 week scan and then at the 20 week scan i was shown that area in detail and there was no sign of boy parts and we saw the girl parts. So i think its pretty certain that she is a girl.
it does happen and for this reason alot of hospital wont tell you the sex or make you sign a waver stating that the sex is not 100% ive had 2 scans so far and both have said girl so i think she is a girl lol if she turns out to be a he then he better hope he looks pretty in pink :rofl:
Yep, happened to my friend, she was told at 20 week scan it was a boy. And she had 5 other scans after that due to complications and they all said boy, but low and behold, out pops a little girl. Granted she's a bit of a Tom boy but deffinately a girl, and she was told six time by six different sonographers that it was a boy x
i'm helping a charity with some research so getting a couple of extra scans - it will be the first thing i'm confirming each time!!

its happened to 2 of my friends - both were told they were having a girl!
This is one of the reasons that put me off finding out !
This happened to my cousin she already had 2 girls so was really happy to find out it was a boy.
Turned out he was a she and weighed 13lb 4oz.
i'm helping a charity with some research so getting a couple of extra scans - it will be the first thing i'm confirming each time!!

its happened to 2 of my friends - both were told they were having a girl!

Are you from Belfast? I am and I've been told I'm having a you remember which hospital your friends attended for their scans?
I would find it very strange if she turned out to be a he, I've named her, and kinda adjusted to the fact I'm having a girl. Obviously I just want baby to he healthy but I do think I'd find it difficult now that I feel I've started to bond with her. Iykwim x

I would find it very strange if she turned out to be a he, I've named her, and kinda adjusted to the fact I'm having a girl. Obviously I just want baby to he healthy but I do think I'd find it difficult now that I feel I've started to bond with her. Iykwim x

This is exactly how i feel but didn't know how to put it lol!

I have had 5 scans since 20 weeks including a 4D so she better be a girl lol xxx
I would find it very strange if she turned out to be a he, I've named her, and kinda adjusted to the fact I'm having a girl. Obviously I just want baby to he healthy but I do think I'd find it difficult now that I feel I've started to bond with her. Iykwim x

This was how my friend said she felt, she felt bad for feeling odd about it! I think she just got a shock lol x
This is one of the reasons that put me off finding out !

I agree tinytoes! :)

I was a very shaky team yellow until I heard what happened! Now I really am a definite team yellow :)
It does make me wonder how they get it wrong, when you look at things like this:

To me the difference looks pretty obvious, our scan showed those three white lines very clearly so if they've got it wrong, I don't understand how!

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