Thought I was pregnant but came on today - sad :(


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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First time using one of these forums so bare with me!! I've been trying to get pregnant for the last 7 months. The last 2 weeks before my period was due I had constant ache on my right hand side low down where ovary is located - never experienced anything like that before. it was more of a dull ache rather than being really painful - sort of like cramps but no where near usual pre menstual cramp pain. The date my period was due came amd went and I had none of my usual symptoms - granted I didn't have any pregnancy symptoms either either part from frequent urination. So I really began to think I was pregnant. I took a clearblue HPT and it was negative. But by this time had made a doctors appointment about pain in my side. Once test was negative I worried about ovarian cysts or something as well as late period. I had been checking my basal body temperature and using ovulation tests and had sex when I was ovulating so was really sure I was pregant. Today 8 days after it was due I have come on. Its not spotting and so far seems like my usual heavy period and now I'm feeling a bit down. Just wondered how long it has taken other people to conceive and if there are any tips I can get? It feels like everyone around me is falling pregnany except me. I don't really speak to any one about it.
awww hon...sorry to hear about this. all i can say is if you're using the ovulation predictor kits then you are on the right tracks....

is this your first baby you are trying for? it takes an average of 12 months for a normal couple of conceive...i know that doesnt help at the moment but hopefully it shows that you're not alone and you will soon see thats the case on this forum. everyone is lovely and really supportive

fingers crossed for next month xxx
Thanks for the reply and kind words - I figured there would be other people in the same boat so glad I joined the forum. Yes trying for first baby. I'm 34 and I feel old - like should have tried earlier. Spent so many years being careful, Hear so many people that get pregnant just like that. Feeling better already reading other posts :)
Hi Moley,

Sorry to hear this. A lot of us have been there. I felt exactly the same last month and am now in to 8th month ttc. Hope it happens for you soon.

you're not old.....i'm trying for my first too and i have just turned 35....i also wish i had tried earlier but i didn't meet my mr right til i was 33 and never felt the need to be a mum with other partners before him. so everything happens for a reason :) xx
Thank you so much for all your replies x x
Thanks for the reply and kind words - I figured there would be other people in the same boat so glad I joined the forum. Yes trying for first baby. I'm 34 and I feel old - like should have tried earlier. Spent so many years being careful, Hear so many people that get pregnant just like that. Feeling better already reading other posts :)

Hi :wave: Welcome to the forum. I also 34 and TTC for baby Number 1. It's so hard isn't it, I spent years trying not to get PG and now I want to its not happening. If I knew it would be this hard I would have stopped the Pill years ago. But I was never with the right man until now.

Try not to let yourself get too down about it hun. Come and rant to us whenever you feel like it.

Thanks for the reply and kind words - I figured there would be other people in the same boat so glad I joined the forum. Yes trying for first baby. I'm 34 and I feel old - like should have tried earlier. Spent so many years being careful, Hear so many people that get pregnant just like that. Feeling better already reading other posts :)

Hi :wave: Welcome to the forum. I also 34 and TTC for baby Number 1. It's so hard isn't it, I spent years trying not to get PG and now I want to its not happening. If I knew it would be this hard I would have stopped the Pill years ago. But I was never with the right man until now.

Try not to let yourself get too down about it hun. Come and rant to us whenever you feel like it.


Hiya - agreed it IS hard!! Who knew?! But yes, previously I wasn't with the right man and I am now. Fingers crossed we both have good news soon!!

x x
hope you get your bfp soon chick, sending lots of hugs and baby dust
sorry to hear this hun, im sure your time will come soon. maybe next month is the month. keep trying x
Thanks for the reply and kind words - I figured there would be other people in the same boat so glad I joined the forum. Yes trying for first baby. I'm 34 and I feel old - like should have tried earlier. Spent so many years being careful, Hear so many people that get pregnant just like that. Feeling better already reading other posts :)

Hi :wave: Welcome to the forum. I also 34 and TTC for baby Number 1. It's so hard isn't it, I spent years trying not to get PG and now I want to its not happening. If I knew it would be this hard I would have stopped the Pill years ago. But I was never with the right man until now.

Try not to let yourself get too down about it hun. Come and rant to us whenever you feel like it.


Hiya - agreed it IS hard!! Who knew?! But yes, previously I wasn't with the right man and I am now. Fingers crossed we both have good news soon!!

x x

And me. 34 and trying for first that is! I know that even if I get pg now I will be 35 before first is born, then 37 if I'm lucky when pg with the second, so 38 when its born, Jeez, I feel old......

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