Could I be pregnant with these symptoms ?. Please help..


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2007
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Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to run something by you all. 2 weeks before my period was due i went to see an acupunture. we had 2 sessions together and she said that on my first period i could see a change from what has always been my normal. Well period came ON TIME .....BUT ! It only lasted 3.5 days, was like a normal period, but with no big clots just small jelly like ones in with the fresh blood (sorry if tmi) :oops:
Anyway i've just accepted this period as BEING A PERIOD, and that due to having accupunture it was shorter, lot lot less painful then any of the previous one. Anyway, 1 week after my period i booked to have a HSG, so before this you take a test and it came back negative. But over the last 5 days i've been having funny sharp pains in my boobs, and they are getting little bit fuller. I was starting to feel like there is something wrong with my boobs, was thinking of getting them checked out as once my period has come this never hapens. My face is on fire, and I just feel like my hormones are doing something. Also have pain on right side and slight back ache.

Now I keep trying to ignore these feelings/symptoms but it does just feel like something is going in my body.

I remember reading recently that 'ellesmummy' said she had a period, well what she thought was and ended up being pregnant.

Could this happen ?. has this happened to any of you before ?.

So so so sorry for the rant, but just needing some advice....

Many thanks in advance......
it could have been implantation bleed? Every ones different, iv heard all sorts of weird things that have happend to people :) Have you done a test? :hug: good luck
Hello hun, by what your saying i think you should go get a HPT. what day of you cycle are you on? i did have a "period" that lasted 3 days. thought nothing of it at all. it tapered off end of the second day, by the 3rd i only wore a tampon during the morning. so the man/lady who did your accupuncture, did they saw HOW it would change your AF and if it would for sure? i would get tested if i were you. sounds promising :) xx :hug:
hiya elle'smummy,

can i ask, what symptoms you got after the period for 3 days finished ?.
i got sickness really bad trom the moment i landed in Cuba about 4dpo,. i still thought nothing of it and just put it down to the different foods.. the thing that made me test was my stomach Lol. i Looked Pregnant after 4 weeks and my mum asked me if i was. i was getting very big and i also craved chinese food and salad alot. :wink:

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