i feel pregnant but negative pregnancy test


Jan 16, 2010
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hi im just wondering if its possible i could be pregnant. My periods have been irregular last period was due on 24th dec but came on the 21st and only lasted 1 day and was more like spotting. Havent had anything since. Feel really bloated and my breasts are sore. Also feel nauseous and have dizzy spells and get too hot. Pregnancy test was negative. Any thoughts or suggestions anyone please would be helpful. Thanks x
When did you take the test? If its been a little while maybe take another one if not maybe leave it a few days and then take another one or a trip to the doctors.
That bleed could of been implantation bleeding but then i would think you would have a positive by now.
I agree, i too had same symptoms felt really hot sometimes a little shaky too, nipples hurt but had cramps like period pains so thought i was due on as i'd done two tests about a week ago and they were the first response tests too but both were negative. Anyway decided to do one more test today and just found out i'm pregnant!! my answer would be TEST TEST TEST TEST!!!! xxx
It is possible hun but i was going through the same thing last week my period was a week late and i was getting negatives and i thot this is it i am pg the tests are wrong and then my period came last nite. :wall2:

gd luck to you tho ive been reading alot about it and apparantly a false negative is very common with some women :roll:

don't worry i feel the same though my af's are very irregular due to coming off the pill injection last june but i've only taken one test taking another tommorow if that comes back bfn then i'll be going to see the nurse.

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