Thought I had better write in


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2006
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Just got back from the scan and I am 7 weeks and 6 days the sonographer reckons there was no way my M/W heard a H/b so mystery that will remain unsolved.

I am a week ahead of what I thought I was funny thing is I had BD 6 days before they reckoned I conceived and was still bleeding,hey ho! Meant to be I reckon

Am so relieved now,glad it is all over. Didnt get a pic they will give me one in 4 weeks time for 12 weeks scan

Thanks for all the support
Oh bex that's fantastic news!

You must feel so relieved.... I'm so happy for you.

Yo've seen your scan now and you have a little baby there so try to destress and enjoy it s little!

Well done!

What is your due date now?

you must be about 2 weeks ahead of me :D
no one week oh heck i'm not sure i am 8 weeks tomorrow so that makes me due 2nd april (hubbys birthday) I think....?

Am so confused as all preg sits go on LMP which is 10 weeks for me but 8 weeks gestational and I dont like reading 10 weeks when I'm not
confusing isn't it!

yeah you're just over one week before me, my pre scan date is April 12.

Wow imagine if it comes on your hubbys b'day!

What a pressie!
That's great news Bexxie!!!! Glad LO is doing well! Look forward to LO;s first pic in a few weeks xxxxx

Hi Bexxie,
Great News about the scan.
Hope ypu have a stress free rest of your pregnancy
Paula.x :hug:
thats brilliant news about your scan.
well done & congratulations :clap: :dance:
:dance: so pleased for you honey, really hope its put your mind at rest a little too. role on 4 weeks... :dance:
Great news and only a month 'til your next one!
Oh brilliant news!!!!! I was looking at your other threads and starting to worry!!!! Glad all is well hun and look forward to your pics in 4 weeks time!! :hug: xx
:hug: Glad it went well today hon :hug: Still haven't worked out where Anglers Paradise is :rotfl:
:D Hi. So pleased for you. Wish me luck for Thursday!! I have my 12 week scan then. Lucky you having seen baby already! Great news.

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