I am miscarrying


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2005
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Hi girls, I am 7 weeks pregnant....well so I thought I was. Had a scan at 6 weeks and 2 days and then I had a scan at 7 weeks and 2 days. At 6 weeks there was a heartbeat and at 7 weeks there is no heartbeat. If there is no heartbeat would they not of done a D and C straight away. The doctor has made another appointment for another scan next week. Why would they be doing that to me when it looks like the baby has died?
I think they are so cruel.....I miscarried in Feb this year at 12 weeks and I was so worried about miscarrying again. I have no syptoms of miscarriage...no bleeding or cramps. I still feel pregnant,....sore boobs and heavy discharge, could they have possibly have missed the heartbeat as I had the second scan at a different hospital. Has anybody ever heard of this happening or am I just hoping there will be a heartbeat next scan.
This is my 4th miscarriage, you would think the hospital would help me wouldnt you?
Sorry to go on.
All my love to you all
Mate, i am so sorry to hear about all this.

You must feel awful. I can't believe they are making you wait a week before you find out.

In your position I would pay for some sort of private scan elsewhere. The agony of waiting is terrible.

Keep us up to date

Love to you

I would have thought that the hospital would not have booked you in for another scan if they thought that there was definately no heartbeat.......it is a terribly worrying time and yes, hospital systems do seem to be cruel. If it turns out that there is no heartbeat again, I would demand the hospital to start investigating why you are miscarrying.

I miscarried in March (at home, at five weeks) and words can't describe how awful and low it makes you feel. You feel such an achievement when you conceive...only to be let down again. I am so nervous this time around but can't help getting my hopes up with each day that passes. But then I do realise that the scans can have devastating results also, just when you think that everything is okay. Life is unfair at times but there is bound to be a reason why, which we may find out about one day......

Look after yourself....my thoughts are with you

Julia xx
What a terrbile thing for you to have to go through.
Maybe there's some doubt if they have left you for a week.
My sympathies are with you

Louise x
thankyou so much girls for your speedy replies. I do feeel things happen for a reason but hopefully I can find out. Congratulations on your pregnancy Julia. I was just thinking about you this morning, well done and I pray for a relaxing and happy pregnancy for you.
All my love
Jacqui x x x x
Please keep us posted!! Hope everything will be ok.

Vicky x
Love from me too at this horrid time.
As you know, I miscarried in May but was bleeding heavily with bad cramps and lost my symptoms straight away.
I think they are asking you to wait a week before your next scan because they don't like to do internal ultrasounds more than 7 days apart but they should have been clearer about where you stand.
Maybe you could call the hospital and ask them to clarify things??
I am thinking of you and am here if you want a chat.
Lucy x

I send you all my warmest thoughts and love!
I don't know how I would react if i was going through the same thing!!! not to know is worse than anything! I was like this when we were worried about an ectopic pregnancy, the hospital seemed to take the whole thing very easy!
Keep talking to us, we are there!

much love,

mel xx

My heart goes out to you hon, the waiting is so unfair. Am thinking of you and just want you to know you are in my thoughts. xxxxx
Thankyou for your warm thoughts. I now have a scan on monday but I gather there will be no hope. I just dont like the feeling of walking around with the baby still there. The hospital are no comfort and tend to get annoyed when you call them. My symptons seem to be worse and i feel dizzy even when i am lying down. I feel sick and my boobs are worse too. Its crazy but my body is still pregnant..........I cant seem to function at all with anything and I am getting angry at the slightest thing.
I guess all this is to do with not knowing whats going on.
My appointment is at 9 30 monday morning and i know I will resent everyone that day. I dont want a d and c because i prefer to miscarry naturally.
I know what to expect but it is still worrying.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your loving words.
It does make a difference to know you are there, especially when you have a husband who only cares about himself.
I will keep you posted and thank you once again.
All my love to you
Love Jacqui. x x x x
They make you wait one week to make absolutley sure. I have heard of women going back after a week and they found a heartbeat. I don't want to get your hopes up but it is not unheard of.

Good luck, my thoughts are with you.

I'm sorry for what you are going through my thoughts and prayers are with you and yours.

Hi Jacqui

First of all, i feel so much for u and can sympathise with what your going through. Im kindof in the same situation as you, I had brown discharge last week so i got sent for a scan, it measured 5mm and they said i was 6 weeks and 1 day, i saw the heartbeat , however they then told me that the heartbeat was very slow and i should come back in 2 weeks for a rescan. The day after the scan i was at the docs to be signed off work, while she was out the room i looked at the fax the hospital had sent thru, it said slow heartbeat and heart stopped occasionaly ! Which they never told me.

So im not hopeful about my next scan either. I can feel it will be bad news.

So just to say to you to hang in there and stay positive, its very hard and you cant see the point of even getting out of bed or getting dressed and cant concentrate on even the simplest of things like watching a soap on telly. Everything u see on telly is about pregnancies or babies !

You keep saying to yourself what have i done to deserve this - the answer is absolutely nothing ! Its just the way life works i reckon.

Im keeping my fingers crossed for you and let us know how u get on. Im here if u need to chat .xxx
Just to let you know that i am back from my scan and it did show today that the baby had died. I did prepare myself for it as this is now my 4th miscarriage. They are waiting for me to miscarry naturally which could take up to 2 weeks and then they are doing tests straight after.
So thank you all of you for your kind words.
Miscarrying is like a bereavement....well it is really isnt it?.
Smudge let me know how you are. I am here for you too.
Take care and may the good Lord bless you all in many different ways
God Bless
All my love Jacqui. x x x x
I'm so sorry sweetie :(

I wish you strength and send you tons of love

I pray you have support from a loved one in this difficult time


Iam so sorry, it was the news you were dreading and i can imagine the waiting to miscarry is just horrific for you.

My thoughts are with you and hopefully after this is over for you they cant get to the bottom of why this keeps happening to you.

Take care of yourself.

I am so sorry to hear your news, I hoped it would be different. Hopefully they will soon be able to give you the answers to why this keeps happening. I think you are incredibly brave, I just can't imagine how you have felt and I hope that you have happiness very very soon. Big hug to you hon. xxxxxxxx
So sorry jacqui, only saw this thread this morning and your reply post to me on the other thread... so so so sorry.

Have you started bleeding or cramping yet? I found that moving around, walking etc brought it on a bit quicker... I was bleeding for almost 5 days before the cramping and heavy blood loss / clots started and now another 5 days later I am definitely over the worst so if it does not start soon I would definitely call them or go back to hospital so that they can at least give you something to help it along.. not necessary for a D & C unless all else fails but I agree... if you have the mental strength to wait for it to happen naturally then it is better for your body in long run....

be strong but don't try to be too brave, allow your feelings to come out and if your hubby is not being supportive enough lean on the rest of us who know how it feels.

This is now my 3rd m/c and they are now referring me and my partner to a specialist so maybe in time we can understand why this keeps happening but in the meantime hon take it easy and buy lots of happy books to read while you rest and wait...

keep me posted and don't forget.. hot water bottle and paracetomol handy at all times.

take care and lots of love and hugs at such a difficult time.

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