Those of us who could give birth over the xmas period..

positivity :)

Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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what are you doing about food? i normally buy all the xmas bits, turkey (even if we eat xmas dinner elsewhere), quality street, cheese and crackers etc. i had my tesco delivery on saturday morning and said u have to book up quick for xmas deliveries but i really dont know what to do. im not gonna want to go out and get it myself (might even be in hospital) but i dont want to miss out on having all the treats!

what are you gals planning? xx
I'm planning on getting all the bits like chocs, cheese and crackers, mince pies, booze etc (all the healthy stuff!!lol) but prob not getting xmas dinner stuff as i'm going to my parents for xmas day anyway and i wouldn't want it all to go off if i've not had him yet or i've not recovered yet. xxx
My parents and sister are coming over form Ireland for xmas.. so Im carrying on as normal with the food cos even if I do go overdue and end up in hospital xmas day, they still need to eat :lol:

We have bought all our choc, sweets etc, have bought some drinks and I have ordered my turkey to pick up on 23rd Dec from supermarket. So just need the gammon/ham which I will get this week or next week when I clear a bit of room in the freezer, and then the veg closer to the time
Going to my sisters for dinner but will be buying in Xmas bits and some buffet food. We're both off so it'll get ate :)
I'm just getting my usual food. I'm not cooking this year but because my house is bigger my mom, step dad and sister are coming to me for dinner and my mom and OH are cooking it here. My moms providing all the veggies and stuff and my uncle is a butcher so I always get my turkey off him. He'll probably deliver it a week or a few days before christmas x
We r doing the normal always go to mums for Xmas day so it's just the chocs etc

i'm getting the normal bits, OH is doing dinner this year (which i'm dreading, coz i always do it) but hopefully it will be x-mas as usual!!!:dance:
I'm not sure what to do either. Our families don't really live that close by, so we're not going to go to them for Christmas, but I can't really imagine that I'll want to cook the full dinner myself. Contemplated going to nice pub nearby, but then don't want to risk booking that if we might end up either in hospital or recovering with LO at home. So still trying to decide what to do. Will probably just get one of those little turkey joints that can go in the freezer and some veg the week before Christmas if there is no sign of an early arrival! Either that or a frozen turkey dinner!
My OH has promised me one, we'll probs go shopping as normal and get a turkey joint thing. I practiced my honey roast parsnips yesterday and they turned out lush so I'll teach that to OH! It's our first Christmas at home together (normally we split and see our own family's it's also our anniversary on my DD!) and if I'm in labour he can make it when we come home :)

Just got this sorted in the last half hour. My parents are coming over although due to our family circumstances last Christmas we are dreading it a bit anyway so is a case of making the best out of a bad situation. So we were all invited to the in-laws but I think I'll send o/h there on his own and let my mum cook Xmas dinner for me and dad. Not sure what pea's status will be by then :roll: bearing in mind Xmas day is DDay!! So back on track for the topic I'm ordering the turkey and other meats now from our local butcher and mum an dad will get the other foods in when they are over. I think I'll go see the in laws in the morning with o/h and leave him there for his lunch. Especially of the baby is here by then I'd need to do a granny visit for Xmas cos it would be unfair not to eh? X
If I go into labour I am adamant Im having my christmas lunch at my mum and dads before I even think of going to the hospital. (thats if my waters go in the morning because we always have it at 12 anyway :) )
so most of you are carrying on as normal, maybe i will put a normal order in then. mine and OH's mum will have extra for xmas day if we want to go then.

princess, i think it sounds like a nice idea, u and your parents at home together, will be thinking of you. i'm pretty sure your little man will be there with you all too :hugs: xx
Knowing the awkwardness I have experiences this far re: arrivals I wouldn't be surprised if I'm in the transition stage of labour instead o eating my crimbo dinner :rofl:
Knowing the awkwardness I have experiences this far re: arrivals I wouldn't be surprised if I'm in the transition stage of labour instead o eating my crimbo dinner :rofl:

well considering your little man has captured all of our far, i reckon a xmas day arrival will suit him down to the ground :love: xx
Awww poor you Jayne, its rubbish this stop start isnt it, :hugs: we're kinda in limbo too. We're planning on having Xmas morning at home, then over to hubbys ex-wife for lunch with the kids and her parents (sounds weird but me and her are good friends lol), then we're going to hubbys mums for dinner in the evening so I dont have to cook at all! Woohoo! and it means we see his brother and sister who are up from England. Our D-day is boxing day so knowing my luck I'll be joining you and Pea in hospital on Xmas day!
Hubbys dad has annoyed us slightly tho, hes got annoyed as hes booked a meal on the 27th for all the family including us two but when we said we couldnt guarantee whether we would be there or not he said "well shes due on boxing day so she'll be out of hospital on the 27th" lol hubbys laughed and said thats not quite how things work lol. will just have to wait and see what happens.
my brother and his girlfriend are coming up for xmas as well to help out and keep the place tidy for us etcetera if we end up at the hospital, lol bless him.
That's kinda presumptuous of your FIL thinking you'll be able to go out for dinner with a day-old baby :roll:
lol i know, its the fact he assumes she will arrive bang on time and i'll be out of hospital and back to normal lol hubby thought it was quite funny
Going to do my usual big Crimbo shop, or more than likely, give hubby the list and get him to do it!
Over here we have Christmas Lunch with one side of hubby's family and then Christmas evening and supper with the other side..... Not really looking forward to it this year, if we have a poor little newborn to drag around the houses with us, but you never know, she may not even have made her appearance by then or I might be stuck in hospital ( you never know :)).
Hopefully we'll all be home with our little ones by then!!

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