This will shock you, as it did me!!

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Jun 9, 2008
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You know you have been enjoying you baby kicking and wriggling about for however long- great feeling isn't it?! Well... People can still abort the baby at my stage and 2 weeks beyond!! I understand, well I don't completly, but I know that due to medical problems and or circumstances people choose to abort at such a late stage. But seriously, could you do it after all the movement? Should abortion be allowed past 16 weeks?

It just really made me think... Feel quite sad...x

Edit: I am pro choice, but hadnt quite realised that the legal limit was 24 weeks and how active/formed baby can be around this time.
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I dont think it should be allowed because the baby is now fully formed etc and the kicks and punches you get off the baby i love it not so much in the ribs lol but i would NEVER get rid of my child if you dont want a child then keep your legs closed or put something on the end of it...
I think they should lower the limit when you can have is awful to think of when they baby is actually a baby...:( xxx obviously i believe in certain cases always been against abortion however i know someone that aborted at 19 weeks and i can see her reasoning and the pressure she was under as to why she did it as she lived in an abusive family and the pressure that was put on her was unbelivable and she wishes that she had waited 4 extra weeks to tell them but since the abortion she has managed to escape to uni where as if she had have had her baby she is certain they would have kept her there and her child would have been stuck in the same cycle of abuse as she was. Personaly i could never do it i believe from the moment of conception a life is formed but i can see under some circumstances why people do it x
i dont believe in abortion at any stage unless certain circumstances of course but i personally never could i have a disabled son so know how hard having a child with disabilities can be but he is still my child and i wouldnt be without him and would do it all again
I believe the limit should be lowered. The difficulty would be in deciding what the 'acceptable' limit would be? Depends on your point of view, beliefs etc as to what would be an acceptable time if any. With all the advances in medical science babies are surviving earlier so I do believe that a change needs to happen.
I find this unbelievable. I don't understand how anyone could have the heart.
I don't agree with abortion anyway but especially not when the baby has
developed over half way! :( X
I know, it's terrible isn't it, even more so when you think that they could survive if they were born, it's very strange, really thing they should think again about the dates.
I do agree they should lower the limit but I personally can't say anything about abortions! People have their reasons to why they do it and sone people have no choice due to the health of their unborn child!
me and the OH were on this topic, a few nights ago.
i understand that people have to abort due to unforeseen circumstances ( like the babies/mothers health is at risk), but i personally dont agree when people do it, just because . when the baby is moving inside you, and you can feel them ( and even see them) their is a bond with baby and mother. so i dont understand how a mother can have the heart.
i personally wouldnt be able to do it. but again i understand that some women HAVE to do it.
In the uk legally with two doctors signatures you can abort upto 24 weeks of gestation - and how they do it is vile! They numb the woman up and grab at the baby and take it our limb by limb from down below or still birth it I seen a documentary a few weeks back nasty!!

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In the uk legally with two doctors signatures you can abort upto 24 weeks of gestation - and how they do it is vile! They numb the woman up and grab at the baby and take it our limb by limb from down below or still birth it I seen a documentary a few weeks back nasty!!

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:shock::shock::shock: OMG
Tricky one, but I agree with Laceys mummy. and feel that it's still a personal descision , but the choice does need to be there where the health of baby or mother is at risk.
I think the limit should be 16 weeks but even then i think its wrong.
I had an abortion at 7 weeks last year for personal reasons, it wouldnt of been fair on me or the baby so for the that reason it was the right thing for me to do.
But people who do it so late on when they have all that time to think about it is wrong.
i must say im with LM and JJ. reasons that people may not understand is why people do it, its kinda up to them if they do it or not, and i dont think a lot of people would opt to do it so late on anyway, its more than likely gonna be a bloody good reason to do it so late on in a pregnancy. as long as you have a happy healthy pregnancy its not really anyones place to say about whether it should be allowed or not, its just one of those things that potentially keep the population down and lowers the numbers of unwanted babies. people dump babies in dumpsters and stuff, at least the unborn ones dont have the feeling of this complete aloneness and abandonment, which i think is a lot worse then making people go through unwanted pregnancies.
A friend of my aborted her baby at 18 weeks, the baby had edwards syndrome and wouldnt have survived more than a few hours if the baby actually got to be born, was she wrong? There are various reasons for an abortion, and people shouldn't judge unless they have all the facts.
I think for medical reasons it understandable. I think i have to wonder what goes through the minds of those that abort between 20-24 weeks for no reason other than they think they are not ready...or perhaps they just kept putting it off until the last minute.

I wonder if there is after care for them and what not. The mental strain it must put on one after having to, basically, give birth early must be horrible.

I for one would find it really hard to choose to abort later on, even for medical reasons. However if i did my research and knew that there was no life for my child, then i probably would go through with it. Though i dont know if i would survive mentally, much like i dont know what i would do if i had a stillborn or miscarried now etc. Sure hubby would help me though, but i would be devestated.

I think that perhaps it should be a limit of 14 weeks for "lifestyle reasons" and if it were a case of keeping the 24 weeks then that could only be for medical reasons (mother or baby).

I have always been pro choice, but since feeling baby move the later abortions, when its not for medical reasons, really plays on me. Plus i read an article today saying that they think a baby can feel in the womb from around 17 weeks or something. But the article did say that they were unsure if they could feel, or if the baby was sedated in the mothers womb. It was so bloody conflicting.

I dont think there is a right or wrong answer for abortion at just is what it is. Should people be judged? No, it is there own choice. You do what you have to do fo whatever reason. However i think every choice raises questions, where upon you will never get the right answer....because there probably isnt one.

Wow, thats some serious waffle! Sorry....i am awful and trying to get out what i mean, usually always comes out wrong! Luckily my family usually know what i mean/trying to say.
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