This time of year...


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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Really annoys me! Everyone goes mad at Christmas shopping! I've been into town to finish of the kids stuff and people barge, push and stand in your way.
If shoppers are like this in October then i dread to think what December will be like!!!

Then there's the charities. There's about 6 people in town that pounce on you as you walk passed. He was telling me they need money, i said i didn't have time. He wouldn't let it go so i spilled out that i can't even afford to pay the mortgage! So he left me alone.

Then to top it off i got back to the car to find someone had stuffed masses of human hair into the exhaust pipe!!! It was literally hanging out. I got a baby wipe and pulled on it. It was long and black. There's some still in there! It was so disgusting!
I get what you mean about shopping, I get serious trolley rage at this time of year!!!!

As for the hair thats just disgusting!! why would ppl do something like that ?????????????????
awww poor you :hug: :hug: :hug: doesnt sound like a good day.

yesterday i went christmas shopping and as we waited at the bus stop this guy was going round asking people for "a quid so i can get home" he was getting it off people, then asking someone else. he must of made £20 just there. it makes me sick thinking i earn not a lot more for a full days worth of hard work!!! :wall: :wall: :x :x :x
I HATE :evil: Christmas shopping people are so rude.

Hence the reason I order everything off the internet.

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