this is the first month i want the witch to come!!!

ohhh linx - what a shitty thing to get emailed but look on bright side at least you know how much of a ******* he is now and you can move on and protect your son from a man who clearly has no respect for women!!

my ex before hubby cheated on me with 1 of my friends and it does hurt very very much but you have to be strong for your son - maybe get ur parents or someone you trust to have ur son for a night and go and get lashed soon and forget him and enjoy some me time with ur girly mates!!

always here so pop in if you need us x x x
massive :hugs: x x x
Linx wat can I say MEN!!! It was probably down to hus own insecurity but u don't need to kno that now cUse I agree with everyone else use found out early on and now ya got the chance to make it someone who will love u for who are! WHO DO THESE MEN THINK THEY ARE?! hotels?!? Wat the eck are they in the mindset of James bond?!

Have some me time to get over him watch feel gud films and tv shows treat urself to something nice n wen u ready go for a night out and snog a hunk :) good times are on the way for u. I kno how u feel and it hurts like hell especially re reading the emails but believe me when I say it's happened for a reason Hun. Pls stick around although we don't kno u in person still here to have :hugs: xx
:hug::hug::hug: Really sorry to read this. You and your son are definitely better without a cheat in your lives. He really needs :slap::slap::slap: Not fair. Hope your ok and all turns out the way you want. Stay strong.
Sorry to hear this. Before I met my husband I was with somebody who cheated on me numerous times. It was horrendous but there is somebody out there better for you hun. Hope you're coping xxx
thankyou so much girls :) i feel even worse this morning not slept and got up to texts from him saying i love u dont forget that i only did it to hurt you coz u hurt me n i never slept with her coz i fell asleep yeah but u was bloody gonna
i really miss him already everything in my house reminds me of him i need to bag it all up n get rid of it. get his mum to pick it up or something
:( i feel like im drounding right now :(
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oh hon, what a toad.

I don't have any advice, but we're here to listen to anything you need to get off your chest
I am sorry to hear this hun, but please believe us when we tell you that you deserve better.

You are young and beautiful and you have a gorgeous son who loves you very much.

I know it hurts now but stay strong and you will get through it x x x x
It's a good idea to pack his stuff away and make a fresh start.


I'm so so sorry to read this, what an arsewipe he is!! :slap:

You deserve so much better and you're worth SO much more my lovely!! :hugs:

Kick him to the kerb (along with his booty call) and don't look back this time. You know I'm here for you - partners in crime Minxie and MissJ!! :yay:

Hope you're ok hun. x x x
Linx, sorry to hear that, have to say you're better off without him, how dare he treat you like that!
Oh I'm so sorry to hear this honey. I totally agree with the others it is defo better to know about it. What a knob he's been. You are far better off without him and we are all here to support you. Sorry there's not much else I can say :-( :hug: :hug:
Aww Linx I'm so sorry! Hope you're ok!

I really hope you get the witch!

You need to get away from that looser you are clearly too good for him, you're young and pretty you should get away from him and have some girly fun!

Aww I am so sorry linx, what an idiot. You are way too good for him and better off without someone that would do that to you.

We are all here for you when you need to chat linx, I really hope that witch turns up, she's hanging about my house but will point her in your direction but I know you will manage whatever the outcome

Hope you stick around PF hun, we would miss you here.

sorry to read this!! some men are pigs!! hope u get the answer you want x x
Im so sorry hunni, what a complete prick does he not know what he's just after loosing? A beautiful woman. :hugs:.. Head high hunni u deserve better and i know your hurting so bad now but you will look back and be so glad you got rid.. And as for the girl he was with writing to you on facebook, she needs to grow herself a set of balls! :hug: xxxxxxxx
hi linx, just seen this now! sorry he has treated you like this. i know how hard that is and it is so painful but it does get easier, i promise you! u have to remember you are better than him and can be happier without him, keep that in your head hunny! xx

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