This is surely it!!!! Advice please ***update baby is here***


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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Hey ladies as you know my labour has been stop starting for days. Went to bed this eve with mild cramps and have woken with full on contractions in back all way round to front, managing to breathe through them and they ate lasting 50 sec to a min every 4-6mins when do I call in? O can't remember ???
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I'd call now myself seeing as they are regular. Worse they can say is call back later. GL hope this is it for you.
Same :) good luck hun. Exciting! Xx

Agree with the others, call and c what they think.............good luck hun! xx
ooh wonder how shes getting on x xx
Omg ladies my lil girl was born at 6.05 this am by ambulance crew on bathroom floor. Remained at home as both me and bubba are doing well. Very sudden as after posting last night contractions started coming 15mins apart or 3 mins all of sudden needed to push. Will do birth story later but did the whole thing with just two paracetamol. We are smitten!! xx
WOW OMG well done! Wondered why you didn't post again :D

Can't wait for pics and birth story.
OMG thats amazing :D glad everything went well and congrats xx
OMG!!! Thats so amazing!! Well done you! I had a feeling u would be soon after your last post but I didnt think that quick!! Congrats!!!
OMG!! Congratulations!! Well done you, you must be so proud of yourself!! Can't wait to read that story! X

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