This is something new to me....


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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0 hair is falling out!

And Im not just talking the usual hair loss after pregnancy due to not shedding whilst pregnant!

Im talking handfulls falling out and its got to the point where Ive now got what looks like a head band from the front or my head going back about 2 inches of hair loss....its not completely bald YET but its completely noticible now and I went to the Drs yesterday to see about it!

As most of you know I have neuro and autoimmune disease so she is doing a full blood check to see if its that kicking off again which she suspects it is....but had also mentioned it could be after having Matilda!

So has anyone else had a considerable hair loss after giving birth and did it grow back?

TBH Im not fazed by it, (atm) if I loose it more I loose it, thats not something that would send me rocking in the corner but im curious as never had this after having Kate xxx
Meeeeeeeeee!!!!!! my hairdresser used to say the hair i was loosing could cover a dog all i had to do was touch my head and i would have a clump in my hand. it lasted for ages because i have such thick hair it wasnt that noticeable until it start growing back then it was like a little fluffy halo lol. what i have found strange is it has happened after my mc something i would have never expected. xxxx
Isnt it strange Arose....this is peculiar as Ive not had anything like this before so hope it comes back but if not hey xxx
you could always start a new trend with edible hair hahaha
You will get it sorted hun stressing will only make it worse so keep up the pma xxxxxxxxx
Ha indeed! lol

Yeah like I say atm Im not worried about loosing it Im not at all vain so I really dont mind just now but will see what happens ehh....wigs are an idea lol xxx
A lot of mine came out when washing brushing but not around hair line etc.. Hope they have some answers for you, and good to see you on :hug: x
Hey FM2B how are you doing? Yeah this is a bit more than the usual loss when washing brushing etc...honestly my bed, pillow, carpets are covered on a daily basis its really bad! Even my Drs was surprised at how much Id lost in such a short space of time lol xxx
My hair fell out in handFulls But as its so thick & theres so much of it you couldn't really notice But it felt loads thinner! hope it stops soon Hun xx
My hair came out in clumps too. I couldn't tie my hair back as I looked like I was balding. My hairline went back an extra inch everywhere and I had bald patches! Apparently during in pregnancy we don't lose much hair then a5-7 or so montjs after it has to all fall out!!!!! Miserable huh?! Good to see you baaaack! X
Just seen this thread again hun, I'm good, how are you and the little family keeping? x
Hey ladies sorry for the delay I had over 900 emails in my inbox and only just got through the last of them and seen your post thanks for posting!!

On the hair front its starting to grow back slowly, and like you squeakz I also had a hair band of baldness which thankfully is starting to sprout hair again so its looking better lol!!

Were all just great thanks FM2B...just loving being a mammy again to a baby...she just makes everyday happier than the
Glad its growing back hun. your lo is the image of you i was looking at her pics on fb. shes a little cutie x

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