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OMG Im Loosing my hair!


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2009
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As the title reads im Loosing my hair!! for the last 3 days every time i touch or brush my hair its falling out im getting worried now.
my hair got really thick whilst i was pregnant and i wondered if i could now be Loosing that extra hair? or i wondered if its due to all the stress i've had lately?

im scared to brush it now Incase i end up bald x
My hair's forever falling out! It could be the extra hair you got while pregnant falling out!
I have this too my fringe fell out and its growing back now i think its normal when your hormone levels go back to normal x
I hope so i've always lost bits of hair like we all do but its quite allot now xx
Yup, me too. I lost hair by the handful after AJ was born. I honestly thought I'd go bald.

I've been losing loads recently too. I keep checking for bald patches :rofl:

Its just the hairs natural cycle.
After both my boys my hair fell out loads - it started when they were a couple of months old and carried on for about 5-6 months. Every time I washed or brushed my hair loads more would come out...it's not noticeable looking at my hair but it feels thinner. Now that it's stopped after having Toby I have hair that's about 3 inches long all over my head so there are annoying little fuzzy bits round the front and if I tie my hair up there's a little layer down at the back :lol:
Totally normal though, and don't worry if it goes on for a while! x
Does anyone else have an advert for the Harley Street hair loss clinic at the top of this page? :lol:
Aslong as its normall and im not going bald that's fine, thanks ladies! i keep checking in the mirror but can't see any bald patches, yet lol! x
Hair loss in women comes in two types: temporary and permanent.There are three phases of hair life cycle: anagen , catagen and telogen.Hair loss that is connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery.Stress is a common cause of reversible hair loss.Omega 3 fatty acids are very beneficial for protection of hair loss as it contain high quality protein source.
:rofl: Hahaha I wouldnt of noticed!

Yeah I got quite worried about my hair for a long time but luckily its gone back to normal now. Now hardly anything comes out. I think so much fell out that my hair scared itself and now nothing comes out lol.
mine is comin out now! i only brush my hair when washed but its handfulls of hair at every bbrush!

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