This is not normal surely?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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I am refering to her hair...






She is only 4 and half months old! She will have to have it trimmed soon because it pokes in her eyes sometimes, but then it will just grow quicker. She's starting to get bald patches too where she's rubbing it off but luckily at the moment we can do her a comb over lol. Her fingernails grow really quickly too.
Probably not normal but amazingg ! Looks soo kool bless her having a little trim she looks absolutel adorable ! Has she always been a hairy mary ?
Wow thats amazing hair bless her.

As for the bald patch thats fine, calleigh had one where she rubbed her head in her cot, now you can hardly see it as her hair has grown.
If its getting in the face give it a trim, gonna be trimming Calleigh soon as hers is in her eyes and she wont wear clips she cries when i put them in.
:D Awwww wow thats gorgeous! My next door neighbour's daughter had hair like that shes 1 now and her hair is really thick and lovely.
That is just adorable! Becky lost most of her baby hair but she now has big curls. Only thing I will say is be prepared for people to keep thinking your LO is older than she is because people can't seem to understand that some babies just have a lot of hair and that's that!
Awww she is so cute!!! :D I had to give my baby's hair a little trim yesterday cos it is going in his eyes. His hair has all rubbed off round the sides but he has loads on top. Your little girls hair is gorgeous xx
Awwww - how cute is she!!

Libby has always had loads of hair! People always think she is older than she is!!

Just keep trimming it as that will help with stimulating the hair strands (not that they need growth stimulation :) ) - Libby started getting bald patches and I gave her an all over hair cut & it just all grew back all over without a bald patch in sight!
Thats just crazy!! In a good way!
I thought Anjali's was long......she has this one bit at the back which is super-long..LOL..if it had all been that length it would have been like your LO's.... :D

WOW!!! That is some hair!!!

We're just begining to grow back her bald patch on the back of her head but her hair has hardly grown since she was born (though there are some long bits randomly around)

As for fingernails, i have to cut the at least once a week as i'm covered in quite nasty scratches from them, but i've only ever cut her big toe nails once and never her other ones, they just dont grow lol

That long hair is so cute, i'd love to be able to play with her hair, gonna be a while though me thinks
wow thats amazing! i thought she was guna be alot older from the first pic, couldnt believe it when i scrolled down!! my son has a full thick head of hair to. hes had it cut 4 times already and hes only 11months. He also had alot of hair at 4months and bald patches! it started growing back thick and slightly lighter at about nearly 6months. now its just as thick as an adults!

Id let it grow until you can see the new hair coming though to replace her baby hair then give it a trim and it will grow lovely and thick.
Don't worry about her hair.
My baby sister's hair was about the same length at 3 months and 4 months she had it trimmed.
2 years old and she has lovely long ringlets!

Aww what great hair :)

Jaedas got lovely long curly hair, I love it :)
Aw hun, every child is different, she is gorg with all that hair. Ani, my eighteen month old daughter is going to have her

first haircut today! :shock:
To look lovely for Christmas :lol:

Aw, how cute is that!! She looks fabulous :D
We cut Ella's hair at about 3 months for the first time and have to cut her fringe every couple of weeks now!
Thanks for the replies.

Do I have to take her to the hairdressers for it cutting or do people do it themselves?
I do it myself and it is a nightmare! I pull her fringe out to cut it, put the scissors up and she moves! Also she is way too interested in the scissors now and tries to grab them! I considered getting my hairdresser to do it instead, but she will have the same problems as me!

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