This is Not Good for my Rage...


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2010
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:wall2: :cry:

My icandy peach blossom should've been delivered to the store first week of April... didn't hear anything. OH off work last week and we were decorating so left it til yesterday to chase it up... said they would call me back... didn't... called them again this morning and they reckon icandy have a distribution problem for peach blossoms and it's not due to them now until end of the month and then into store 1st or 2nd week of May... told them it's too close to my DD and that I live over 30 miles from them. They have now offered to deliver to my house for free, which is good, but I know they are BSing me, and that they probably forgot to order the buggy in the first place.

I'm so upset, I just can't handle the stress lol

It's not helping that I have my FIFTH cold of this pregnancy :wall2:

Sorry, just needed to have a moan....

Try not to stress hun my pram didn't turn up until I was 39 weeks. My theory was that even if baby turned up on time I wouldn't need pram for first week really as planning on recuperating at home

As long as you have a car seat that's the main thing

But I do get how annoyed you are. X
Try not to stress hun my pram didn't turn up until I was 39 weeks. My theory was that even if baby turned up on time I wouldn't need pram for first week really as planning on recuperating at home

As long as you have a car seat that's the main thing

But I do get how annoyed you are. X

I know it's just my hormones making me rage and be more upset than a normal person lol but I hate when things aren't sorted.

I know you're right though, and my mum said the same and that there's no point worrying coz some things are just out of our control blah blah blah lol

The car seat is one of the items on the order though :wall2: But luckily I do have the car seat that I had when I had my son so if we have to us that for a week or 2 it's not the end of the world!
Hope you get it in time hunny, there's nothing worse!! X
It's amazing how little things that we could've handled and been mildly mad at pre-pregnancy now make us want to rip someone's head off!!! I'd be so mad at this scenario too mind you. What about a letter of disappointment/complaint and see if u can't get a couple of freebies out of them??!!
my friend used to work in a pram shop, and same with my business, companies do change delivery dates etc.
the shop prob did order it cause they take ages to make. iCandy prob been inundated cause they have changed the style.
as long as uve got a carseat dont stress over it. not worth it.

is ur car seat maxi cosi? thats a diffrent supplier, i would ask if thats arrived in. dosnt come from icandy.
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It's amazing how little things that we could've handled and been mildly mad at pre-pregnancy now make us want to rip someone's head off!!! I'd be so mad at this scenario too mind you. What about a letter of disappointment/complaint and see if u can't get a couple of freebies out of them??!!

Nah, they seem like a bit arsey and I really want them to help me so am being polite... atm... if they don't come through this time though they may receive a barrage of abuse though lol
I ordered Icandy Peach at end of February and at that time was told it wouldn't be in until April. Just got phone call from store to say they're have distribution problems and earliest it will be in is July. Baby due 24 June!!! They said that I wouldn't be able to get Icandy anywhere as everyone was having same problems. They went through all options with me and in end I'm getting their display model all steam cleaned and with discount. :dance::dance:
I ordered Icandy Peach at end of February and at that time was told it wouldn't be in until April. Just got phone call from store to say they're have distribution problems and earliest it will be in is July. Baby due 24 June!!! They said that I wouldn't be able to get Icandy anywhere as everyone was having same problems. They went through all options with me and in end I'm getting their display model all steam cleaned and with discount. :dance::dance:

Oh noooo! Although glad that the store I ordered with are being truthful... I used to work for a sales company and trust nobody anymore lol Feel alot better to hear that, thank you xxx Although concerned that you were told July I was told end of the month... we shall see what happens. Not going to worry about it for the time being.

Thanks for your message hun xxxx
*fingers crossed* it gets sorted for you! It's so annoying isnt it?
I'm having similar problems, but my pram's the Oyster. I think with mine tho its the company I ordered from (Scottish company - Just4Baby). Will never use them again!
I just checked on the icandy uk site and in their 'news' section they are apologising for the problems they are having, so at least the copmany is telling me the truth. Guess I just have to wait it out and see what happens, really don't want anything else though as the icandy ticked all the boxes!
cant believe your all having issues with your prams thats awful xxx
Oh god the store I bought mine from told menthey would order for the beg of may now I'm thinking they might not get I in time! Think I will have to give them a call tomorrow!
I've been waitin on the strawberry since feb to test for them x
Maria I'm off to the shop this morning to find out if there is going to be a problem with mine! By if you were supposed to have beg of April and they are saying mid may then I'm def to going to have an issue as mine was supposed to be beg of may!
Well I went in and asked the woman said she was due to phone everyone today to let them know about the deltas and mine was going to be delayed till July! But they offered me the display one at a discount and said they would clean it all up for me! I went for it as although it's not the colour I wanted there is no other double I love so I'm having to settle! Only thing that's bugging me is the display one is the older version!
Can u have the display one as a temp until yours has arrived, or ask for a large discount.
Well, I wonder if the company I ordered from googled about icandy distribution and seen this thread lol Coz today I received a copy of an email they have received from icandy stating about the delay and that the backorders would be received by the end of this month... well the email is dated 10 April, which is last week, which makes me wonder why, when I called them they had to call icandy to find out what the situation was and why when they received this email stating the end of the month for deliveries, that they didn't contact customers who had icandy's on backorder and advise them of the situation?

I dunno, I worked for a sales company for a long time so i know what it's like when they are worrying about losing an order. I am happy to wait until the end of the first week of may and if it is still not with them I will cancel the order and order the alternative I have found that I really like too!

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