This is my next door neighbour!!! *UPDATED*

Sweetcheeks24 said:
muchausens (sp?) by proxy or something isn't it. i read a book on that, very wierd thing!! Hope her lil boy is ok :( :hug:

Yes that's what she's got.

She also told us that she was a nurse - apparently not! She started training and never finished the course!
OMG just seen this :shock:

I remember that in the local press and it was all made up :shock: and shes your neighbour :shock:

There are some very strange people in this world i hope the little boy is ok though.
Bloom said:
OMG just seen this :shock:

I remember that in the local press and it was all made up :shock: and shes your neighbour :shock:

There are some very strange people in this world i hope the little boy is ok though.

Yep apparently the police tracked her car along Tqy sea front on CCTV to see if the bike was following her - and it wasn't. She got a new car out of it too where she supposedly didn't want to drive a car that something like that had happened in.

I think the boy is much happier now!

I've met someone at the mother & baby group who can tell me the goss! :cheer: I've been dying to know!
Flipping heck!!! :shock: I'm sure I remember reading about that and thinking how awful - coz my first instinct would have been to help someone.

I hope she gets the treatment she needs.
:shock: thats terrible, its a sinister form of child abuse! :(

as for making up stories of sexual assault, thats just an insult to people who hav genuinely been attacked :x :evil:
blummin hell.

poor kid. glad she got sussed out now, before it got much worse.

wheres the kid now? with relatives?
He was taken into care but is now back at home with his dad & sister. The mum tried to blame the dad but they didn't find any incriminating evidence against him so the kids are back home. She also said that he had an affair with my other neighbour :shock: She needs help!

It makes you wonder..they moved into a holiday chalet around Easter last year because one of their pipes burst and the floor fell wonder whether she sabotaged the pipes now after the lies she's told - to get a new lounge on the insurance money?

OMG feel so bad for that little boy hope she gets the help she needs!

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