This is my next door neighbour!!! *UPDATED*


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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I don't know if some of you remember me posting about my neighbour who was sexually attacked helping out a man who had fallen off his motorbike? The post is below..the link doesn't work any more though.


This is my next door neighbour! They still haven't found him but her car has been dusted for fingerprints and it will take 4 weeks for the forensics to come back. She's getting rid of the car and doesn't even want to stay in her house if he's not caught!

and we live in a relatively nice part of the country!!!


ANYWAY...I also posted a while ago (in the summer I think) saying that a police van was parked outside my house and they were loading it up with boxes of stuff and what looked like medical supplies.

Well it turns out that it was all a lie! She's been over medicating (abusing)her little boy who we thought had a serious lung prob / had to be on oxygen at night / regularly went blue... and turns out it no more than mild asthma! the hospital wondered why his glucose levels weren't evening out and the police found glucose in her drawer! They also think that the sexual attack was all made up too as she was due to take the boy to hospital the next day :shock: and they followed her car on the CCTV footage and could see no motorbike following her!
She even wrote to Make A Wish charity and said that it was her boy's dream to go on a cruise - which they ended up doing!!

It all happens down here! :shock:
OMG the poor woman i hope they find him and quick!!!

Jeez! What is wrong with people!
I hope they find the son of b*tch!

That poor woman :hug:
:shock: for god sake whats the world coming too why would someone do that :( i hope they find him complete wanker
:shock: OMG Poor thing I bet she's petrified! You can't trust anyone these days :(
it would certainly make you stop and think about helping anyone out if you found yourself in that situation wouldn't it?
OMG Some people are well messed up! I've read about people who keep their children ill to get attention. Sounds like with that and her hoax story she is a serial attention seeker who needs psychiatric help. She's not fit to be a Mum, that poor child!!
muchausens (sp?) by proxy or something isn't it. i read a book on that, very wierd thing!! Hope her lil boy is ok :( :hug:
muchausens (sp?) by proxy or something isn't it.

yep. very dangerous mental illness. i hope she gets the help she needs. i feel very sorry for her little boy :( i hope he will be ok.
OMG - I remember having to gice a statement when a 15 yr old girl who used to get the same bus school as me claimed to have been raped in some public toilets near the bus station. After all the fuss and everyone being scared - turned out to be a lie as well

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