This baba moves so much


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Hi All :wave:

Last night i felt my first proper kick from the out-side. I'm 17wks but this baby moves around like it's a lot later and bigger :shock:

I've been feeling it for ages, but when it's back is towards my front i can feel two quite large bumps, one head and one bottom and he/she loves to be one my right hand side late on.

Last night when i got in bed baba was back to my tummy on the right hand side sticking out like i don't know what and then i felt LO do a complete turn and then boot me so hard i felt it from the outside, it was just so fab, but should i be feeling such big movements so early?

It feels a lot later than 17 wks than i remember.
maybe its a big buba your having hun :D

im sure everythings fine, it just depends on your frame size, some people dont feel any movemns till late on and some feel them very early on

enjoy the feelings hun as they dont last forever, till he/she is trying to pull your hair out like colby
What a lovely feeling. It is so great to feel the baby with so much clarity.

I am sure that I didn't feel that much movement until much further on with my previous 3 babies. But I too am feeling more movement than I should at this stage. I am regularly feeling baby kick, mostly just below and to the left of my tummy button. They are definite kicks, but I know lots of people say that you can't feel them this early (14 weeks tomorrow), but I know it's the baby. This is the only thing keeping me sane until my first scan on Saturday - seems like I have been waiting forever to find out if baby is okay.

Can't wait for the really big kicks to start.

Heather x
Even now - I can hardly feel her - if it wasn't for my doppler i'd be convinced she wasn't alive in there :shock: I can hear her kicking the living sh!t out of me but I can't feel it!! :(
I feel the same as you Oldermum.

Although he moves heaps now at 22 weeks, i felt that he moved a lot for 17 weeks too...maybe your joinging the boy club? :cheer:
oldermum said:
Hi All :wave:

Last night i felt my first proper kick from the out-side. I'm 17wks but this baby moves around like it's a lot later and bigger :shock:

I've been feeling it for ages, but when it's back is towards my front i can feel two quite large bumps, one head and one bottom and he/she loves to be one my right hand side late on.

Last night when i got in bed baba was back to my tummy on the right hand side sticking out like i don't know what and then i felt LO do a complete turn and then boot me so hard i felt it from the outside, it was just so fab, but should i be feeling such big movements so early?

It feels a lot later than 17 wks than i remember.

Oh it's great isn't it. Jade is the same, always moving about. I poke her and she pushes back. I don't remember it being so soon with my son either.

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