am i feeling my baby move?


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Last night in bed I rolled over onto my side whilst watching a film and as I did so I felt 10 little movements almost like a small pulsing feeling on my side! it happened a few times after that and I can't recall ever feeling pulsing in my stomach for that long before. Am I feeling my baby or is it just me thinking too much into it haha xxxx
*nudge nudge* 'wake up mummy I'm bored!' :D xx
With hindsight, I had a lot of pulsing sensations before I felt proper movement. I ignored them because I didn't think it was baby but now I reckon it was!

Exciting for you!!
I've felt this recently too but put it down to a nerve or something - I really hope it's baby though! :)
Ahhhh thanks girls :) so exciting to be finally feeling movement!!! Feels like I've been waiting forever for this, such a relief! Thank you all so much xxxxx
That's your baby :) my pulsing movements are not much stronger and I feel individual movements alot :) its such a heart feeling to describe- when I first started getting little feelings I described it as popping candy in my tummy

It is such an amazing feeling isn't it!

baby. like popcorn popping. im geting stronger ones now. its a really odd but nice feeling.
I've had what feels like a twitching muscle a couple of nights in a row, but really low down in my pelvis, so not sure if that's baby or actually just twitching?!
My first movements felt like involuntary muscle twinges and now I get proper kicks but my 'muscle twinges' started around 16/17 weeks. I'd say yours are the baby, Coruscating :) xx
id say defo baby like the others... Wait until u get some proper kicks x
that's what this baby feels like sometimes too :) started noticing more and more now different types depending what im doing!
Deffo baby!!! It's the best feeling ever, well until baby is actually in your arms that is!! It always stops when you want it to happen more though... few more weeks and it will be lots more and not just when your lying down.. xx:)

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