Thinking about our OH's


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I've been thinking lately about what the biggest changes, attitude wise, has been in our OH's since having children? Mine was always a fantastic daddy to DD but he was so funny whilst I was expecting. His most famous saying was 'there's no way we're co-sleeping! He's got his cot for a reason and he'll be in it from day one!' after I said I'd co-slept with DD. Then Seb arrived and OH changed from strict 'no co-sleeping' father to laid back 'i love co-sleeping' daddy :) He loves the closeness it gives him to Seb and I woke up the other night to find Seb asleep facing OH with his hand on OH's face and OH's arms around him :love: :D So what has been the change/s you've seen in your OH and what promoted them?
Prompted not promoted! D'oh
My OH has changed completely. He was very much a party-goer with no 'roots' (he used to literally move cities every 6 months or so, live on people's couches etc), a bit of a loose cannon, and a big smoker/drinker etc. He suffers with bipolar too so was always a bit unpredictable.
Now he doesn't smoke or drink except for the odd beer, he's really happy settled down in the countryside, and he only goes out once a month or so cos he'd rather stay in and spend the evening with me and Lizzie!

The changes literally happened the day she was born - he went from being totally oblivious to what being a dad means to being the best he could possibly be in the space of a few hours! He absolutely dotes on Lizzie (and me :p) and our relationship has improved sooo much it's unbelievable.

One of the best things he said while I was pregnant was 'I'm not going to give up mixing (he does DJing etc), so the baby will just have to get used to loud music'. Now the decks are stacked up in the spare room and he hasn't even mentioned it - he wouldn't dare hurt Lizzie's sensitive ears :p
Aw that is lovely!!!! It's amazing isn't it?!

Ignore the typos-my iPhone loves to autocorrect :)

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