Think shes on her way :(

Oh good - I always pretend I'm excited for Josh's sake but as he was 13 last christmas it's wearing a bit thin now :oops:
Good luck! I hope she stays away and its good news. It must be hell waiting, not knowing either way. Being totally new to this ttc lark I've got it all to look forward too :shock:
well Skaidykat......whats the verdict??????????? :pray: :pray: :pray:

add me to not sleeping xmas eve either :D
It was a BFN hun :cry: . Then a little while later I had some brown spotting and thought she'd arrived. But now theres nothing again :wall: :wall: :wall:
aw hun i'm so sorry :hug: :hug: :hug:

Has af ever played you up like this before?? correct me if i'm wrong, i've read so many posts i get confusd but was it you that said your sisters never showed till at least 6 weeks or you've never had to do a hpt b4, cause usually it was at the docs?
ah :oops: sorry libs and Skairdykat :oops:

libs how you feeling, any more symptoms...hope i haven't got this muddled up :rotfl:

Skairdykat, keep meaning to say everytime i've been pregnant i've always got af backache from just after O time but when i'm not pregnant i only got backache from the day af showed her face, hope this is a good sign for you, could you get bloods done from your docs?? also i know you're not supposed to but have you cheked your test later than the aloted time spce like a few hoursor th next day even??

still keepig everything x'd for you :hug:
I'm starting to wonder if I'm ill and that's affecting my hormones hence all the weird stuff, the last couple of days my feet and ankles have swollen up through the day :shock: and last night my hands did a little too. Never had that before - well not without flying or being on bed rest :D
Think it may be time to visit the docs :( I hate going to the doctors.

Skairdy - any news?
No news yet hun. AF is still not here. I know I OV'd an the 4th May so should be on by now. Think I'm going to buy a Clearblue digital tomorrow when I go in town and do it Thursday morning. Reason I say this is because the test I used was one of three I bought off Ebay for 99p so don't know how good they are or not. My AF usually does come 14 DPO so should defo be here by now :wall:
Ooo yeah and today I've got a really itchy left boob :oops: . Don't know if thats a sign or just that I'm itchy LOL.
skairdykat said:
Ooo yeah and today I've got a really itchy left boob :oops: . Don't know if thats a sign or just that I'm itchy LOL.


Good luck - let us know
I've heard a lot of women say about itchy boobs being a sign for them.

Was going to say if any chance your digital say the worst ( :pray: its good words :wink: ) take your test apart and see if there is a 2nd line. I say this beause i know when i used them i did one xmas eve and it said not pregnant, took the test apart and there was a very faint 2nd line, obviously not dark enogh to register a 'pregnant' but xmas morning i woke up about 2 am busting for a wee, 4 hours after doing my other test, i thought what the hell, tested again and got a 'pregnant' i took that test apart too and it was a darker line than the previous one. If you're one of the women that don't register on a test that good then this might help you.

really wishing you get a BFP, here's a few more buckets of babydust for you

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