Think my waters have gone!

Wonder how she's getting on? No news probably means progress I reckon!!

Eeeeeeek exciting
awww i hope all is going well for her xxx
Just seen this now...
Good luck my love, come on baby!! Xxx
Yay nurse! Defiantly following this one, remember you well from tri 1, unfortunately things didn't end this well for me then so it's lovely to follow your birth! Congratulations x
Oh how exciting! Good luck Nurse can't wait to hear something x x
Thinking if you lovely. Great weather for bubs to arrive to! Xxx

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Hoping you have baby by now hun. You've done so well :D xxxxxxxxxx
I hope you're holding your LO by now Nurse!! So excited to hear your update xxx
Aww Nurse hope you are cuddling baby in by now, I'm so excited to know whether you have a little pink or blue bundle of joy :-) xx
I'm still here ladies!!! after lots of walking yesterday still no regular strong contractions so its off for induction at mid day for u :) getting a bit excited now, it was a long wait yesterday, will update later via txt buddies when we have some progress!!!

Aaawww best of luck hun, hope the induction is nice and quick xxxxxxxx
Awww nurse was sooooo sure you'd had him/her!! So excited for you - good luck at the hospital, I am sure it will all progress quickly for you!! Xxx :love:
Best of luck Nurse, hope it's quick and pain free :)
Best of luck hun, thinking of u today hope everything goes smoothly xxx

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