Things you didn't use and things you brought afterwards

Dionne, I use muslins to hold over Rubie's mouth as I wind her becuase she projectile vomits a lot, and they catch it lol I also put one on my shoulder if I am carrying her about as she always pukes on me!! :lol: :lol:

Not sure what other people use them for?
I always use muslin to put on my lap when winding matthew basically catches any follow thru sick from winding! I have about 7, he normally throws up at least once a day!

Grobags are my best buy, they seem to have helped matthews bed time routine, bath, grobag on, bottle and bed!
Things I have bought and not used...yet! (always hopefull!!!)

snowsuits (3 or 4 from ebay!!!), grobags, newborn clothes and even 1 month clothes (too many!!!!), loads of toiletteries ( I don't dare use them as yet, so worried it would give rashes to Maheen's skin!!!)

Things I bought afterwards, or could not do without!

bouncer (she can't get enough of it!), light projector cot mobile (she is fascinated by light!), a bath tub and a seat for the bath (she feels she is in control), bibs, steralizer, and recently bought a play nest...never thought about it before!!! :oops:

oh yes, one more thing: I have a bag which unfolds into a travel cot, and that's where she sleeps during the day, downstairs. could not di without it! really good! :clap:

mel xx
We couldnt live with out Charlies Aquatic wonders swing chair. She will settle in it better that she will with me sometimes, also the grobags and the pull over her head bibs, valuable!
Snow suits were my worst buy too. she's stll too small for her newborn one ! :roll:
Useless/Brilliant - Bought tons and tons of bibs and used them for about a week till Damien decided to be a projectile vomiting baby and now could not live without my million muslin cloths!! They are always in the wash or on the radiators drying ready to use again. They are brilliant.
Useless - I got bought too many toiletries and don't use them.
Brilliant - Had to buy a playpen/travel cot with a cot-top changer and it is brilliant for when Damien hads a nap downstairs and doesn;t confuse his cot with bed time.
Useless - the crib - he absolutely hated it. Wouldn't sleep in to the point where he would only sleep in his buggy and me and DF spent 2 weeks camped out in the living room because we couldn't cart the buggy up and down the stairs everyday :roll:
Brilliant - Dummies, great for reflux babies who love to suck all the time but don;t need anymore milk. Have LOADS of them now and I don;t think Damien could be without out when he has tummy pains now!
The sleepsuits are ok for going out in the pram, but only when the baby grows into them! I have received 4 snowsuits, all the same size, from different people as gifts. It's amazing, Naomi won't wear any of them I'd say, we're getting into warm weather now and they're only getting close to fitting her. I'll put them away and hope the next baby gets some wear out of them...the next girl as all but one of them are pink!


Best buy: doesn't look that good in the picture but it's like a snowsuit that you "build" round your baby! It's great with the car seat as you pull the middle bit up and use the velco straps to secure then do up the car seat harness and then there's two more flaps to wrap over the baby so they're nice and snug. It's got two wee bits at the bottom where you put their legs but it's very loose so you're not trying to squish them in.

Worst buy: normal snowsuit - too bulky with car seat and too awkward to get newborn arms and legs in!

I agree that Muslin squares are great as well :clap: I found that the M&S ones are a lot softer than the boots ones but the boots ones are a lot more absorbent. I use them instead of bibs at the moment as I always have one handy when I wind Olivia over my shoulder and so much easier to drap over them when feeding instead of trying to do up a bib.

I like the look of that rocking chair

Does ANYONE use Baby lotion?
I have 2 bottles of it sitting here unopened...I didn't buy them I think they were a gift or something.
Yeah I use baby lotion, it works wonders on Rubies skin I would be lost without it
I got faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr too many toiuletires for Damien, talcs, soaps, body washes, etc, and I don't hardly use any of it. He just has a tad of baby bath in the bath and some dentinox shampoo for his head (he has cradle cap and it's makign his hair fall out :cry: )

Cant be faffed with too many bath products!
yes, me too, I have got load, and at the moment I don't use them, because Maheen has got lots of red spots on the face, chin and head. First, I thought it was baby acne, but am not sure anymore, it is getting really red, and more and more
it does not seem to bother her though, so I just wash it with water and then put oil, or oilatum on it.
I see the GP on Thursday for her 6 week check, so will get advice then...hopefully! :?
I can't wait these spots to go, because I have nice fragrancy stuff from France to use, I used to love it when I was a kid, and i would love to put it on my little cheeky girl!
Don't want to hurt her though!! :(

Mel xx
Melhoney that rash/spots sounds like what Abi had and it's due to hormones should clear up after about 3 weeks, Abi's skin was awfull for a while and felt really rough but it's fine now.

Best buys Travel system, play mat, gracco take along swing, cradle chair, small rattles

Worst buys Baby carrier -too awkward, too many hats and shoes hasn't warn half of them lol. cradle for bath found it more of a pain than anything else.

Cant think of owt else at mo :)
Thanks Manda,
She's had it for a good 3 weeks already so I hope it will clear soon! It always seems better when we have been outside, don't know why! :think:

One more thing I really really wanted and didn't use, yet: a cot top changer!! :roll: I always change Maheen on the sofa or in my workstation! I might use it later on, ...hopefully!

Mel xx
Useless things.....Newborn clothes! (Ashtyn was 8lb14oz...although next stuff is ok!), moses basket (he hated far better in his cotbed even if he does look tiny) Nappy bin (havnt yet used it!)

Things I hope will come in to use.......Nappy bin!, sling, toiletries, booties.

Things I couldnt live without.......Muslins, breast pump, mamas and papas changing unit with bath, gro-bags, dummies, bouncer, 4 in 1 travel system, sudocrem, nail scissors, scratch mits, sleepsuits with hand covers, our monitor (it has a movement sensor pad), microwave sterilizer, infacol.

and the rest speak for themselves ie nappies, cotton wool etc.

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