5 things you love ...

1) Stanley's squinty-eyed, cheesy grin 'camera face'
2) The way he always smells of honey and biscuits.
3) His little Brummie accent when he says 'cake', every time we're in the kitchen.
4) His chunky bum.
5) The way he waits in the bathroom while I shower in the morning so he can hand me my towel. :lol:
I love:
1. The way he hangs onto my necklace and frowns when I'm carrying him up or down stairs (I dont think he has much confidence in me!!)

2. His big smile (?wind) after each bottle :lol:

3.His attempts at kicking and splashing in the bath

4. All of his facial expressions

5. His soft (few) strands of hair!!

to mention but a few!!
I love EVERYTHING about her, but to choose a few:

1. Her gorgeous smile...the way her nose wrinkles and her entire face lights up :D

2. The way she grabs on to my fingers tightly when she's falling asleep.

3. The yum yum yum noise she makes sucking her fingers when she's hungry.

4. That adorable sticking out and trembling of her bottom lip when she's about to cry.

5. The way she shocks herself when she farts (which is often)...it's like "oh my god did I do that!" :rotfl:

(oh and the way she kicks her legs like a loonatic and "talks" to me when she's on her play mat...so cute!).
wicked thread mids x

I love...

1. the content look on her face when she gets into our bed at about 5am every morning because she has got her own way again! :rotfl:

2. the way she holds her blanky and strokes it against her face when shes going to sleep

3. the conversation she has with my mums dog everyday...(they obviously understand each other) :rotfl:

4. the way she grins like mad when anybody sings London Bridge is falling down...

5. the enormous noise she makes when she's having a poo. It's like a warning of whats to come. And she always does it in a public place! :rotfl:

there are loads more...i could go on forever. I just adore her
midna said:
Melanie said:
5. I love that she isnt afraid of anything, my girl thinks that hurting yourself means you just need to try it again :rotfl:


You may laugh now Mids but ill bet you a fiver you have one exactly the same from the sounds of seed! :rotfl: Wait until you've played catch me while i jump off the table mammy, brings a whole new dimension to parenting a toddler :lol:
i love

1- when he wakes up and looks of rme in bed and when he sees me he gives a massive smile and tucks his face into the bed as if he is shy
2- he recognises all of us now.. and after he has taken a good look gives us a lovely smile and suckyi n air laugh.
3- when you have a convo with him and smile he laughes his ass off at u for no reason
4- when u take his nappy off and he decideds hes not a baby but an air kangaroo jumping about all over the place
5- that hes mine and he needs me for mummy cuddles and comfort and food for the past 4 months. awhh i love him so much.. its mad
i love
1) The way abigail wakes at 6:50am in the mornin with a huge smile on her face and a giggle.

2) the way she pulls herself up onto her legs already when holding my hands haha

3) the way she has a feed then does a HUGE birp and is then flat out coz its worn her out lol.

4) the way she bobs her head and opens a mouth when u are holdin her up coz she wants a kiss lol.

5) the way she kicks her legs on her playmat, giggles n talks her head off and in the next breathe is fast asleep :D
I love so many things about Jacob but the best things are...

1. The way his little face lights up when he see's me

2. The way his nose scrunches up when he gives his biggest smile!

3. How he giggles at me when I sing the Hokey Cokey (his favourite song :lol: )

4. The way he plays with my fingers when he's having a feed

5. The little soft noises he makes in his sleep
5 things that come to mind as to why I love Isaac are;

1:When he laughs if I say Hic-Up, when pretending to have hiccups
2:When we say 'Pop It' to him if he has a dummy, and he sits pulling it out his mouth whilst gripping it with his teeth, and then laughs
3:The way he keeps taking steps alone, he's so brave and clever
4: He makes me feel happy, and remember what is best in life
5: He loves me so much, and I can make his day just by being me...

...to name a few, great thread midna :)
My God, we are all soooo lucky aren't we?

I love...

His smile
His smell
His soft skin
His giggle
His love
I love:
Her baby smell (even that stinky milk smell :lol: )
HER LAUGH (she giggles now and it is amazing and beautiful)
watching her smile when she sees other babies
how observant she is of her environment now that she is older
cuddling with her while she sleeps
1. I love how he goes from looking like a little boy to my little baby when he's fast asleep!
2. I love his smiley face in the morning (even at the crack of dawn!)
3. I love his new thing of when he's b'feeding, he'll arch his back and look up at me or across at his dad, grinning!
4. I love it when he gets excited and flaps his hands and kicks his legs! i.e. when he's being fed Petit Filous or has his nappy off!
5. I love the belly laugh he's started doing when he's being tickled, munched or when you pretend to drop him through your knees!!!

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