Things I don't like about being a Mom

dionne said:
some one please tell me how you cope when your child grows up and wants to go out to play with out you by their side :shock:

Kurt asks to go down and play in the park now, its only downstairs and i could see him from my window but there is no way on this earth i would let him go down there :shock:

I hate when they dont stop crying when teething
Thats it so far... lol

I know what you mean about pedophiles., when my sister was about 5 and i was 3 my moms boyfriend sezuallt assulted the both of us my sister remembered cuz she was the older one went to court with my dad and my mom defending her bf he ended up not giulty :evil: pisses me off .
And no one knew i was till grade 7 when my mom told me.
*saulino* said:
I know what you mean about pedophiles., when my sister was about 5 and i was 3 my moms boyfriend sezuallt assulted the both of us my sister remembered cuz she was the older one went to court with my dad and my mom defending her bf he ended up not giulty :evil: p*sses me off .
And no one knew i was till grade 7 when my mom told me.

most pedos do get away with it :talkhand:
in britain the worse the crime the leaner the sentance. Pedos should be put in a room full of mothers and the mothers should be let loose on them. 2 wrongs dont make a right but pedos are the scum of the earth
lauramum01 said:
in britain the worse the crime the leaner the sentance. Pedos should be put in a room full of mothers and the mothers should be let loose on them. 2 wrongs dont make a right but pedos are the scum of the earth

one thing i have always wondered. are they born the way they are? or turn the way they are??

and the sentence thing is so true :x

sorry tiny sue for hijacking your thread :angel:
There is all sorts of research into the factors but I believe that they are born with their sexuality, just like everyone else. I don't belive in capital punishment but I do think that they should recieve longer sentences then what they currently do.
i think if they are a reoffender then that should be it no more being let out i also believe life should be life not a few years if you behave!

Anyway back to topic!

I hate when he's asleep having a nap tip toeing around even though i know a bomb could go off and not wake him!!!
beanie said:
There is all sorts of research into the factors but I believe that they are born with their sexuality, just like everyone else. I don't belive in capital punishment but I do think that they should recieve longer sentences then what they currently do.

if they are born like it then they will never ever change will they?

once a child abuser wont they always be one??
they will always be attracted to children, but some can be assisted into managing their behaviour. So yes they can change in that they do not act on their feelings and can control them.
have you ever had to deal with sex offenders?
in your job?

sorry for all the questions just curious to no both sides
beanie said:
they will always be attracted to children, but some can be assisted into managing their behaviour. So yes they can change in that they do not act on their feelings and can control them.

Thats what I find creepy, that they will always be attracted. It makes my skin crawl. I cant imagine what it must feel like to be the mother of that 3 year old that the guy got after being let out. How do you talk to a 3 year old or begin to explain. You cant, :(
lauramum01 said:
beanie said:
they will always be attracted to children, but some can be assisted into managing their behaviour. So yes they can change in that they do not act on their feelings and can control them.

Thats what I find creepy, that they will always be attracted. It makes my skin crawl. I cant imagine what it must feel like to be the mother of that 3 year old that the guy got after being let out. How do you talk to a 3 year old or begin to explain. You cant, :(

would you ever tell the child when there older???
I think you would have to. It would always be there and I think subconsously when that wee girl is older she will know something bad has happened to her, she will need mega help and her family need it now.
dionne said:
have you ever had to deal with sex offenders?
in your job?

sorry for all the questions just curious to no both sides

As I qualified when pregnant and was due to go on maternity leave I was not given any sex offender cases to supervise so the only work I'd do with them is their induction when they started the order, or come out on licence. I will be expected to work with them when I go back.
I hate being so darn sensible, responsible and organised all the time. Just once, I'd like to get up in a morning without thinking what I've got to organise for the day

Don't get me started on pedos, they should have 240 volts passed through their bits followed by castration without anaesthetic
I work with people who have committed offences like that and it aint easy, im trying to find a new job as its seems to bother me more now that im a mum, i think they should either choose intraveinus castration and tagged or life in prison,

The other part of this thread, i hate not being able to die of a hangover, not being able to have a long soak in the bath and having to watch kiddies programmes all day!!! i also hate the fact that you have to be home by 8pm Bedtime!!! No matter where you are LOL XkelX
I work with ppl who have severe mental health probs, and have disbilities as well, kinda in a secure home type environment dont really think these guys should be in the community though, their very dangerous, put it this way thank god me and my son stay 10 miles away from where they are, were understaffed often and they tend to escape xkelx
tracyM said:
I hate being so darn sensible, responsible and organised all the time. Just once, I'd like to get up in a morning without thinking what I've got to organise for the day

Don't get me started on pedos, they should have 240 volts passed through their bits followed by castration without anaesthetic

Couldn't agree more, they deserve to die, a slow way tho, bcoz as I have a very close member of my family, and I mean an immediate relative who was raped I have no sympathy for sex offenders in the slightest, and I do not believe in rehabilitating them, coz there is always a chance they will re offend. Who is going to rehabilitate the poor victims-they are scarred for life.

Sorry but I just know what my family member went thru. HELL :twisted:
Kas said:
I work with ppl who have severe mental health probs, and have disbilities as well, kinda in a secure home type environment dont really think these guys should be in the community though, their very dangerous, put it this way thank god me and my son stay 10 miles away from where they are, were understaffed often and they tend to escape xkelx

:shock: is that at dykebarr?

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