things keep getting worse!! updated pg 2**


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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had day from hell yest..

ive got court this morning.. and i think my milks lowered coz of the stress i bn under so asked hv to come up to see hes ok so hv came stayed for hr n quater.. she phoned the bf support who said to go on this medication for my milk.. and feed him 2 formulas a day exra till he starts putting on weight (she weighed him and hes still 11.8)

so went down to drs to get perscription.. and the dr wouldnt give it to me coz ed hadnt poo'd for 8 days and wanted me to get a paed to chk his bowels
so.. took him to hosp.. wankers took blood from him.. chk hes not dehydrated,,then said after 5 hrs (10pm ) that they r keeping him in i have to stop bfing coz hes an under nurished, skrawny baby. and they wont discharge him till he puts weight on
i was like wtf.. i aint here for his weight im here for his poo.. all the other professionals have said if i stick to the 2 formulas a day.. take these pills and pump and feed then he will put weight on.. she said.. well u have had 15 weeks to try formula feeding him.. you obviously not doing the job properly and we need to step in now.... was fking tamping.. said he aint ill. hes happy healthy smily strong bright child.. he aint in danger, he aint got a temp vomiting and hes not ill.. so theres nothing you can do here that i cant do at home for today.. il get him weighed tmro and if hes lost or is the same il bring him bk..she said no he needs to stay.. (but i had charl n al with me.. 25 miles from our home he cant drive and it was now 10.10pm and i have court this morning.. my trousers are in the washingmachine still wet) so i said i want to discharge him against medical advise because what your saying to me completly conflicts with the advise ive been given my 5 indiviuals.. and my own ideas on how i want my child to be fed. im happy to wait for blood to come bk.. and if they are fine il take him home 4 2night.. feed him whatnu want me to.. go to court n come bk tmro, if the bloods arnt right then il stay( i told her all the problems and everyone thinks my milk is lower bcoz of stress, its still there but not as much so i need the tablets)
she said we will contact social services if you do.. i said fine u do that..and when we left.. she didnt say.. u doing the wrong thing.. but.. i want u to give him xyz amount of feeds xyz times and i want to come bk tmro after court.. she said nothing and didnt give me the tablets..

waiting for 9am so i can phomne hv and bf support to know what to do next.. hes had 1 botyle last night and a bf in the night and a bf just now and im gonna give him a bottle in a min. feel so drained..
Sounds like rather than helping you they are just adding to the stress which is only going to make the situation worse :( :hug: :hug: :hug:
Didn't want to read and run hun!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

You have been under immense stress these past few weeks with everything that has gone on.

Do what is best for you, ed, charl and al.

Awww lis :hug: :hug: :hug: It sounds like ed is really having problems... he must be very uncomfy not having a poop in over 8 days :(

Your right... the health professionals are not helping you, adding to stress you already have in bucket loads... but they are trying to help ed... I always believe that you are better at home than hospital though as its a more relaxed environment and ed isn't "ill" as such. You should take him home.

If he is undernourished, loosing weight, dehydrated, its a clear sign that he is not getting what he needs from his current food. In this case breast milk.

I would suggest that you get those meds you need for your milk... switch to an almost full formula diet with a booby feed first thing in the morning and last thing at night (maybe one during the day). That way ed is relying on formula for nourishment and you for comfort. In the mean time pump for your life, and slowly re introduce a breast feed... here and there, if you really want to exclusively bf'd in the end. But you wouldn't be any different from a mother going back to work.

Remember, you never bf'd Charl, and she didn't turn out to be a terrible, sickly child... :) And if it comes to it and you need to switch totally to formula, Ed won't turn out to be terrible or sickly either. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks for replys.. hes poo'd this morn.. stinks but is norm..

im having diff of opinions.. my feeding specialist wants me 2 stay home but my hv wants me to take him bk.. they are currently arguing with the paeds.. so dunno what will happen tbh..

he is having 2 formulas a day till my supplys bk.. i need to get the tablets.. and the paeds want to observe my feeding :roll: even tho they did last night...
awwww Lisa I'm so sorry you're going through all this. You've done so well with everything thats been happening. Your stress levels must be through the roof.

I agree with Squiglet...maybe you should up the formula for the time being and then reintroduce the boob again.

stay strong'll all work out in the end and you've given Ed the best start ever with the BF and he'll still be getting some mummy goodness even with the odd formula feeds mixed in

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
the one thing that really isn't helping you is the conflicting advice from the professionals... :(

i'm sorry hon, i really hope you get it sorted out. hope it goes ok in court too :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
i still dunno whats going on.. dunno what im doing where im supposed to be going lol..
What an absolute nightmare! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope they stop arguing among themselves soon :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Try to keep your chin up...easier said than done I know. Lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: to you.
Oh gosh!

I am sorry you have to go throught this, hun! Sounds so horrible. And that nurse in the hospital! How could she be so nasty?

You are doing a great job! So just keep going and do whatever you feel is right for both you and you LO!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

And dont worry about formula. As long as you still breastfeed, and he gets any of your milk, he still gets all the minerals and vitamins. And a couple of bottles of formula wont do any harm :hug:
I think telling you that you're not doing the job properly is out of order, there are ways of saying things without being downright nasty about it :x

Hope everything works out hun :hug: :hug:
wow Lisa sounds bloomin awful, I cant comment because i dont breastfeed, but if you have been feeling poorluy recently thaty would definitely affect your supply.

As the other ladies said formula wont hurt edward, but i think teling you ti give up breastfeeding is bang out of order, maybe just mix it and see how it goes.
well im back.. they weighed him as soon as i got there.. and hes gained 2 oz overnight..they saw to 2 people who came after me.. before me.. 1 10 year old with consipation.. :roll: they made it obvious they were in no rush to see me.. and i over heard a nurse saying to the paed who saw us last night..
" who's next the baby in cube 7, the paed said.. no he can wait" was :x they made us wait almost 4 hrs.. she came and said well ehs gained overnight.. u need to keep the plan that the feeding co-ordinator has set.. and get him weighed next tuesday and if he hasnt made a dramatic improvement we will be bringing him in for tests.. :roll: all i can say is.. assholes.. im glad i trusted my own instincts..knew there was nothing wrong with him..thanks for your messagesxx

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