Well for 10days now my little man has not been himself. totally off his milk and food and alot grumpier than usual. today it hit an all time high as i had to take him home from nursery as his temp was 89.7 and they'd already given him calpol and it wasnt coming down! eventually 2hours after it had been given it came down so i took him to the docs thinking they'd just say teething but he said he has flu! my poor little man! Ive never seen him that upset hes happiest normally when hes in nursery!
The docs advice was basically do nothing
he said give him calpol if he gets really frustrated with the temp other than that just wait it out. problem is he calms down after he has the calpol but within 5 hours hes screaming again! i just dunno what to do when hes like that apart from give him medicine, its the only thing that seems to work
I snuggled him in to bed tonight and he was still boiling, hate it when they ill and i dont like giving him medicine all the time
Anyones elses little one had flu? hwo long does it last? hes not been right for nearly 2 weeks now and it seems to be getting worse not better.
The docs advice was basically do nothing

Anyones elses little one had flu? hwo long does it last? hes not been right for nearly 2 weeks now and it seems to be getting worse not better.