They never told me that....

This makes me so scared for labour, haa.
I'm just a big pansy and hate pain.
Both my cousins had quite good labours so I'm hoping to follow them.
I'll be keeping a nosey on this thread though. x
The worst part is the head crowning it burns I remember saying cant you do like vets do with cows n pull her out pmsl.

I had second degree tear - male midwife walked in took one look and said I'll leave that to the doctor!! I was like gee thanks for that!
i had an awful labour with my first but im with a different hospital this time and they are mortified at how i was treated last time and have promised it wont be happening again

im a big wimp and even threw up once from the pain of constipation lmao
yet my friend only had gas n air with her first and i think pethadine, i know my pain threshold and i need more than that lol

my mom said that ys labour is very painful she isnt going to lie but it seems even more painful purely because we get so tired and ppl just generally dont seem to cope as well when they are tired

so this time round when im starting to think i cant cope im going to keep telling myself what my mom said that it just seems worse because im tired and to stay calm- hopefully that will help
I'm feeling more and more scared as the days go by.....please let me have a quick birth!!
I'm feeling more and more scared as the days go by.....please let me have a quick birth!!

my friends stayed VERY active in their labour and found they had their babies very quickly

me i refused to move off the bed lol and mine dragged out, going to try move about more and take my birth ball i think
i had my dd pre-term, laboured in my back had pethadine and gas n air, dialated 0-10 in an hour

as soon as baby is out u forget all the pain.

number 2 due in feb so it didnt put me off x
i had my dd pre-term, laboured in my back had pethadine and gas n air, dialated 0-10 in an hour

as soon as baby is out u forget all the pain.

number 2 due in feb so it didnt put me off x

jesus christ it took me 4 days to get from 2cm -3cm lol
Lol i was told pethadine plays a big part as it relaxes you so much your body takes over and moves things along quicker so to speak.

will be asking for it this time too lol
I am so grateful for this thread! I would never have known half of this information until the last minute. I've found unless I know the right question to ask my MW at this stage then I dont actually get given any other information.
depends how high a pain threshold you have, but basically imagine the worst period pain you hav ever had and thats what it feels like when ur about half way but pain relief is so good it really helps. ive been told when the baby exits it just stings a bit but as it tkes a couple of seconds u dont notice it (i had a spinalblock thats why i never felt her come out)
ppl tear if the baby is a little bigger or they push when they are not ment to thats why an episiotomy is good as they numb the area before cutting and you heal alot better and quicker if you rip and this can sometimes rip straight to the anus.
i had stitches too but they didnt hurt not even after i had her but warm baths eased the uncomfortable feeling of it

tbh my experience was completely different to roxane's.
all my pain was in my back as my little man was back to back, but twisted as he came out! so all my pain was in my back, couldn't feel any what so ever in the front! was pretty much the same level pain all the way through, only got a little bit more painful towards the end, but that could have been because my contractions were pretty much on top of each other! some women do tear and some mw advise an episiotomy. i had an episiotomy as a bit of my muscle wouldn't stretch and my mw believe it would be safer for me to have that as i'd had a good few goes at getting him out and hadn't torn naturally and was getting tired! as they give you local for this i didn't feel any "ring of fire" (as ive heard it called) and it really does just feel like you're trying to push a watermelon out your bum! and it just feels like relief when they exit!

something else they don't tell you is that if you opt for natural placenta delivery (thats what i did so don't know if its the same if you have the injection) it literately feels like your giving birth again but to something a lot lot smaller!

i dont know how true it is but ive heard back labour is ment to be more painful is that true?

i wouldn't know as he's my first! but i think i coped quite well, as i had my first contraction on the wed night, knew it was only early labour so waited it out, went to hospital early hours of the friday, got examined after being there 4 hours and was a stretchy 4cm, had so far only had a bath on the thurs night! had 2 coco-domal at 11am which didn't get rid of all the pain but helped! but faded in under 4 hours, went into the birthing pool at 5pm ish, and had gas and air while in it, then got out at about 7pm and spent 45mins pushing him out with absolutely nothing :)

i have quite a low pain threshold and it was honestly no where near as bad as i thought it would be! just let yourself get into "the zone" and trust your body!
Dear god, this is a great thread but i'm now even more worried lol! Better to know these things though. So if i can throw one of my own bad exactly is childbirth. I've heard contractions are similar to really really bad period pains but what about when baby, ahem, exits? I've heard so many horror stories about people 'tearing', it makes me cringe. And can you wee? And does it hurt majorly for a long time down below? Stitches? Sorry if this is a bit graphic but even though i'm not due til April i still can't stop thinking about the horrors of childbirth lol :shock: x

In my experience it feels like the worst pain you can ever imagine x100 (for me anyway) and yes it does feel how it sounds. And yeah peeing afterwards is oooooofff not nice, I cried every time for about 5 weeks, best to sit in the wee bath thingy filled with warm water, or pour warm water down while pee'ing.

I bled for around 4 weeks afterwards having to wear 3 of the very thick maternity towels one on top of the other & was still leaking blood through my pants.

One thing I wasn't told before hand is how getting the placenta out after you've given birth is like giving birth all over again, coz the thing is like the size of the baby more or less. And I wasn't told that your first poo afterwards is also like giving birth again
I think the true ins and outs of Labour should be included in Sex Education, the mechanics and hormonal responses to it and the physical sensations and after effects are just not fully covered in schools!!

It's one of my favourite things about having done my six months of Midwifery, even if I discontinued it. I am sooooo much more prepared for it!!!

It's reading threads like these that make me wish I'd either stayed on (but that wasn't right for me at the time) or that I could have the money to train as a Doula now, I just wish I could be there for any of you who need a little bit of support!

Good luck Ladies :)

I didn't even thnk about a wee or poo after or what it would be like. Do you have to push the placenta straight out after. If you have a water birth do you do that out of the water? I'm not worried about giving birth I'm worried about my lady bits after. I'm going to be living with my inlaws at that point so I don't want to be too embrassed around them about things.
Back to Back labours are supposed to be more painful. I had a back to back labour and it wasn't nice when the pethidine wore off :(
The 'bum pellet' is Diclofenac an anti-inflammatory (stronger than ibuprofen).
I had the injection for the placenta and didn't feel a thing due to the epidural.
Tears are supposed to heal better than a episiotomy. Oh and wear the thick mat pads, they are a lot more comfortable :)
I think my labour was so bad coz I was induced.

They start getting you to push placenta out after baby is out & weighed ect, they ask if u can manage yourself, I couldn't as my body had started to relax again, I did try - MW said, do you want to keep trying or will I go in and get it.....yeah just you go in and get it looooool - elbows deep but was still better than pushing the stupid thing out loool I didn't get offered an injection or anything for it.

I think my labour was so bad coz I was induced.

They start getting you to push placenta out after baby is out & weighed ect, they ask if u can manage yourself, I couldn't as my body had started to relax again, I did try - MW said, do you want to keep trying or will I go in and get it.....yeah just you go in and get it looooool - elbows deep but was still better than pushing the stupid thing out loool I didn't get offered an injection or anything for it.


EEEKKKKK do not like the sound of your placenta delivery! my mw said if i couldn't get it out in and hour on my own she's have to give me the injection, and that their not allowed to pull on it in any way to help it along its way as it can lead to a hemorage.
hmmm thats wierd, i've never heard of that

I know you can get a hemorage anyway, even if u do it naturally.


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