How will they cope?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
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I am having a bit of a stress at the moment, we have two house bunnies, Jimby and Cookie and they are my fury children, I love them with all my heart!


I am starting to really worry about how they will cope with

1. The labour at home before going to hospital, I am really scared that all the screaming is going to scare the **** out of them- they are very sensitive little souls!

2. The fact will probably have to stay in hospital for a few days due to my mental health problems. I can not stand being away from them, I even worry about them when I pop to the shops for half an hour!
Jimby has such a delicate tummy and can so easily go in to statis (bunny owners will know what this is and how dangerous it can be) he has been through it so many times now and we have been extremely lucky that he has made it through and this is due to me acting fast and I know the extremley stubtle signs to look out for and I am very watchful over him and what he passes, however my husband although I know he will look after them he will not monitor him as closley as I do and I am worried sick that he may become ill whilst I am not there and the subtle signs go unnoticed and the worst could happen.
Which then brings on another concern, I HAVE to be with him when he is unwell, I am his Mummy, would I be able to leave the hospital?

3. How will they cope with a screaming baby in the flat?
aww try not to worry too much animals adapt i doubt they will let you leave the hospital to tend to the rabbits you and baby are more important in their eyes, are you planning on screaming in early labour its not that bad early on hun xx id leave strict instruction for dh to keep very close eye on them x
you could play a cry baby sound every now and then to get them use to it x
aww try not to worry too much animals adapt i doubt they will let you leave the hospital to tend to the rabbits you and baby are more important in their eyes, are you planning on screaming in early labour its not that bad early on hun xx id leave strict instruction for dh to keep very close eye on them x

Hubby said that they would not be able to keep me against my will unless they were to section me?
If baby and I are doing well then i can not see any reason for keeping me in when i would be a lot happier and more at ease at home.
they will only keep you in to make sure your coping will you have social services involved? momma kat will know better on how long they keep you in for, for people who dont have a sw involved they can usually be discharged next day if normal delivery :) hopefully you wont have to stay in too long
Yes unfortunatly the social services will be and I quote 'Heavily' involved :(
best ask momma kat how long she had to stay in for x
Thankyou! They are my babies! :love: I have sooooo many cute pics of them!
I have two baby marginated tortoises here at home, who need daily care. So I understand. We're lucky we're right by the hospital that has the unit I'll be using. Hopefully I'll be allowed out when I'm ready. Was supposed to be consultant-led because of my mental elf etc, but I've proved I'm good at the moment blah blah and that I can have the midwife-led that I want.
I think my bloke has seen me 'soak' the tortoises often enough to know what to do, and I know sometimes the male species can be or seem more complacent than us but I'm sure he'd do a super job. Try the recording of baby cries and noises, I think that'd help. They should adjust, hun.

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