Help! im beig induced on thursday.. what should i expect?


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Mar 10, 2011
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I am nearly 42 weeks pregnant and booked in to be induced on thursday- what should i expect? pain? do the contractions come quick and strong unlike a natural labour? what happens? Please help, this is my first baba and not sure of what is going to happen etc xxxx
hi, I've moved this in here as you'll get more replies :)

I was induced (36/37 weeks) last time and once my contractions got going there wasn't any difference tto a normal spontaneous labour :)
havent got a clue to be honest, but just wanted to wish you lots of luck for Dday!!! xxx
Yeah sorry hun, I'm having my first so not sure. But also wanted to wish you good luck :)

I'll give you my experience. I've had two babies. Both times my water broke and then - NOTHING. So, I suppose I was basically induced, I needed pitocin to get things going. From what I understand, in "normal" labor you have the bad contractions but then a "rest" or break in between? I did not experience any such thing during my labors! Not to scare you, but I have described it to people as "one constant contraction, just with peaks." Even when I wasn't having a "contraction" I had a hard time breathing, it hurt so much.

Now, to hopefully make you feel better - about 1 minute after my first was born, I told OH "I could do that again." :) And I felt the same after #2 - she was much faster to get out, but more painful. (I eventually got an epidural with each, it took great with #1, not so much with #2.)

On the other hand, I was in the room with my girlfriend when she was induced, and her experience was different. She talked and smiled etc. all the way up to 10 cm when in between contractions; during the contractions she couldn't, but then she'd be OK again.

Every situation is so different! Good luck to you!!
I've only went through labour once, was induced at 39 weeks for health reasons (baby's heart stopped beating) they broke my waters immediately with the stick thingy (sorry im no good at the medical terms) started getting contractions quickly after, I've never been through normal labour so nothing to compare it to, lasted for just under 11 hours. They say when your induced it is more painful as your body doesn't contract naturally - ie baby wasn't ready to come, and its straight into proper labour rather than a few hours with contractions before waters break

Good luck
My experience...

was induced through IV. Water was broken at 9:00am, Drip started at 9:40am, first contraction came at 11:40. Contractions were 1min 30 secs apart from the first contraction. They did get more intense throughout though. Was told they would not check me until I was having regular contractions for 4 hours (that means 3-4 in every 10 mins). I pleaded for them to check me at 4pm and I was 5cm, by 5:24pm I had my beautiful baby boy! All happened very quickly in the end. I used only TENS and gas and air and I coped alright but this is my first so cant compare. It was very quick for me although you will need to be monitored the entire time, I was hooked up to the ECG machine the whole time and couldnt be as active as I wanted. xx
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