They dont seem bothered...


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2006
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Cause ive had my thyroid removed i have been seeing consultant, every four weeks, so they said i dont need to see my normal midwife at my GP's.

Now i feel as though i dont know anything, all they seemed bothered about when i go the consultant is my thyroid and not the fact that im pregnant. They ask me whether ive had any thyroid symptoms and tell me whether i have to up it or not then send me on my way telling me to make another appointment in 4 weeks.

I dont wanna sound like i know it all but ive lived with my thyroid for over 5 years now and if there was a problem id no., but ive never been pregnant before and dont have a clue about anything except for what ive read and been told.

Im 34 weeks tomorrow and no ones even mentioned antenatel classes to me and my friend just told me you can visit the labour ward i had no idea.

Ive also heard im supposed to be having an appointment every 2 weeks now but i dont have one for another 2 weeks and not had one in 2 weeks.

Just feel like im being palmed off... sorry for the rant
I agree with you Scarlet it does seem as though you've been overlooked just coz you are already under a consultant for the thyroid.

It's not too late to get some attention though. Can you ring the surgery or even the MW and explain the situation. You certainly should have some proper ante natal care and checkups. After the 30 week stage I think it's fortnightly so you should be having BP, urine, measurements, baby's heartbeat etc all checked at those intervals.

If you get no joy with the surgery try the hospital where you are due to go to have the baby. They should also be able to arrange some AN care for you if there's no other option.

It's not too late for the classes either. They usually run quite frequently and you can join anytime after 28 weeks.

Stay firm and insist on seeing someone for ante natal care asap. You and your baby deserve it. :hug: :hug:
:hug: Scarlet06 :hug:
I think you should do as Sabrina suggests and phone the surgery and say you want a MW for your pregnancy care, after all I am guessing this consultant is not a trained MW and therfore cannot give the service your MW would provide. Very best wishes :hug:
Cheers girls, think im going to ring my GPs and make a midwife appointment for next week, so i can have a chat.

I would definetly start to see a mw there are things you should definetly of been told and been checked throughly at every appointment :hug: Good luck

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