These Weeks Are Starting to Get Tough!


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2007
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...and I still have a fair way to go.

I feel constant pressure now on my bladder, I can't walk like I used to and I am still not blooming!

I want to wear my jeans again and I don't want to feel sick anymore. I am on a right miserable one at the moment. I feel teary, I just want this over.
:hug: :hug: sorry to hear you are feeling this way hunni :hug:

Try to do something nice for yourself....

I do hope you manage to get some rest and feel a little brighter soon :hug: :hug:
Thanks hun...oh I have just accepted you on FB. I didn't realize that we are just days 8) :hug:
i know what you mean, im getting proper peeed off with needing to pee everytime i walk more than 10 steps!!!

and even though i dont have much bump, what i have got is so tight-feeling now its really not pleasant :? i dont know if its worse for you ladies with proper big bumps...if it is, i dont envy you one bit!!

altho i know i have been lucky so far with pregnancy not really affecting my functionning much at i shouldnt complain really
gymbabeliz? Christina can join in 'the race' to the finish line :wink:
im also finding these weeks hard and people are now looking at my bump like I must surely be about to drop imminently and there's sort of a look of horror when i tell them the due date.

bigger bump is still so tight so I don't think that would help you GB
I'm feeling better knowing that you all are due around the same time as me :D
Aww good :hug: :hug:

it helps to have a moan and a well deserved one at this stage! :hug:
Feel for you hun :hug: and know exactly what you mean! Waddling is only fun for the first day.....
charliebeth said:
Waddling is only fun for the first day.....

:lol: yep, the novelty soon wears off. Hope you're well Charlie x :D
kazlin said:
gymbabeliz? Christina can join in 'the race' to the finish line :wink:

Hey can i join the race too :cheer:

I feel exactly the same. I am constantly needing the loo, and if another person comments on how i have started to waddle i am going to get mad :evil:

Baby is sticking some limb right up in my ribs, i am only comfy when i stand upright. I have forgotton what it feels like to beable to move freely.

It will be all worth it in the end tho. These are for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hang in there babes. :hug:

I felt the exact same at this point of my pregnancy.

Just want to send you some hugs. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: It sucks doesnt it. I would say I feel like curling up and hiding away but I dont think I could curl up if I tried and if I could I wouldnt be able to get back up again lol. My friend said to be today that she thought pregnant women were meant to glow and feel great. That must just be made up to trick people into thinking its all roses, if only people who havent been pregnant knew how bloody hard it is.
blooming?...more like blooming awful lol
Hope you feel better for the rest of your pregnancy and it goes really quickly for you :hug:
charlie84 said:
kazlin said:
gymbabeliz? Christina can join in 'the race' to the finish line :wink:

Hey can i join the race too :cheer:


scarey to think it will be us lot all popping at once , like the little group popping this weekend!! :shock: :D
charlie84 said:
kazlin said:
gymbabeliz? Christina can join in 'the race' to the finish line :wink:
Hey can i join the race too :cheer:

Of course you can :hug:

Hey wouldn't it be freaky if we all popped at the same time :shock: We are all very close :wink:
kazlin said:
charlie84 said:
kazlin said:
gymbabeliz? Christina can join in 'the race' to the finish line :wink:
Hey can i join the race too :cheer:

Of course you can :hug:

Hey wouldn't it be freaky if we all popped at the same time :shock: We are all very close :wink:

It will be exciting tho, with us all being due near enough one after the other. I cant wait :D

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