These stupid...


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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...pains in my flappy fairy are getting on my nerves. Been nesting today, so been buzzing round the house... scrubbing rugs, the kitchen and bathroom floors... basicly just cleaning everything insight. But ive had to stop now because ive got horrible stabbing/shooting pains in my foo :oops:

Ive had enough of being pregnant :wall: ...hope your listening ickle unborn!

Anyone else feeling fed up of pregnancy? :hug:
aww! sorry you don't feel great. Soon you will have LO, and will forget about it all! :hug:

i only really feel fed up when i can't sleep because of the itching :(

its all worth it in the end! :cheer:
ME! I'm tired of not being able to turn over in bed at night without waking up completely and not being able to go back to sleep.
And pains at the front joint-y bit - OW!!! Its not a good look clutching your lady garden area when the postman comes to the door!
Pamplemousse said:
Its not a good look clutching your lady garden area when the postman comes to the door!

:rotfl: ...I bet he likes the fact your pregnant. Its when he starts to give you a little wink along with your bills that you have to worry lol
Eeeew!! Thanks for that! He does ring the doorbell a lot and waits for hours while I lumber my lardy arse down the 3 flights of stairs to the front door!!!
Aww you poor ladies :hug:

When I go on a mad clean which is like nealry everyday :lol: I get really bad pelvic pain and then can't get out of bed at night to go for a pee it takes me ages :roll:

I have spoke to the midwife about it but I just don't like making a fuss and im just going to get on with it.

Is's soooo worth it in the end tho isnt it ladies :cheer:

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