these are BH arent they?

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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daft question as i should remember fromlast time but over last few weeks ive been getting lots of period like pain most of the day every day that hasnt really been painfulor uncomfortable and not really getting any stronger so far id say the last 20 mins maybe ive started getting them again ony they are a bit more uncomfortable and my belly and just kind rund where my pubic bone is slowly feels lie its getting tighter and tighter like its been pulled shut my a draw string and goes hard then slowly relaxes again

this is a BH isnt it
I would say so xx
I find a bath usually helps I get that alot already :(
I wouldn't know I've never had them. But this morning I had quick period pains...And then I had that feeling of not knowing if I was having period like pain or just needed a number 2 (sorry TMI) :lol:

I guess being my 3rd pregnancy I might notice these things a bit more!
well the tightening has stopped but just getting pains again

id be able to cope if i didnt keep getting a headache too
Are you drinking lots? As you can get more BH when your dehydrated plus the headaches. I know we need loads more water now as the fluid round baby is constantly being cleaned, think I read at least 3 litres a day.
Are you drinking lots? As you can get more BH when your dehydrated plus the headaches. I know we need loads more water now as the fluid round baby is constantly being cleaned, think I read at least 3 litres a day.

im managing at max 2l a day, i get bloated so easily that i start to feel sick,
i shall try increasing it a bit more

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