Theres gonna be another early baby!!!! New update Pg 4

LilysMummy said:
Gemmap & Charlie84 dont end up at the Alex if worcester is unavailable :shock: They are so poo!

Hope you have a good labour!


Oh i am glad i chose worcester then. The other option i had was the Alex, as i am smack bang in the middle of the two hospitals, same distance either way but i chose worcester as it is bigger.
Do they send you to the alex if worc is unavailable then lilysmummy?
Yeah my OH spent my whole stay (10 days :wall: ) Shouting at the staff telling them he was going to take me to Worcester but I wasnt allowed to move because I was high risk of having a cord prolapse :cry:

Some of the midwives were lovely but they need to get their fingers out their bums if you know what I mean lol
I live in Droitwich so the Alex was a bit far.

Back from the hospital! The pains have eased right off, mainly just got back ache.
They did a swab, checked my wee, bp and temperature, all of which were okay. They gave me some antibiotics and I have to go back at 2.00 tomorrow for more monitoring and possible induction!. They also listened to baby and its fine too!
They said they they can leave me for 4 days with ruputured membranes or I can choose to be induced sooner, if nothing happens tonight then I am going to see if they will induce me tomorrow. They only book in 3 inductions a day, so fingers crossed no one else wants one, or that things get going on there own!
OH looked terrified when the midwife got out a speculum to take the swab. I told him theres much worse to come!
Still losing water too, having to sit on a disposable changing mat! Well worth buying a pack just incase it happens to you too!!!

My mum was only saying to me yesterday - dont put anything off, cause you never know when you will go into labour!
im only down the rd from u hun, im in redditch so if i have to go into hospital it will be the alex

glad all is ok, keep us posted x
BeckyJ said:
im only down the rd from u hun, im in redditch so if i have to go into hospital it will be the alex

glad all is ok, keep us posted x

Im from Redditch :wave: :cheer:

Glad your doing ok! You never know you might go into full blown labour. Did they say how dilated you are? Or did I not read that bit lol
She said I wasnt dilated and didnt expect me to be becuase I havent really had any contractions, the pains have been more like bad period pains, that come and go, and backache. Nothing really regular. Been trying to keep myself busy and moving around to help things along, I have even done all of my washing and ironing today!
oooh Goodluck! hope baby doesnt keep you waiting too long
i didnt have any contractions or BH and i was still 2 cm when they went to induce me :rotfl:
Oh hun how exciting. I hope you get in at the hospital tomorrow. :)
LilysMummy said:
BeckyJ said:
im only down the rd from u hun, im in redditch so if i have to go into hospital it will be the alex

glad all is ok, keep us posted x

Im from Redditch :wave: :cheer:

Glad your doing ok! You never know you might go into full blown labour. Did they say how dilated you are? Or did I not read that bit lol

Lillys mummy
Love your aviatar made me smile :D

Goodluck Gemma hope things move on quickly for you and you'll be holding you little one soon
lol sarah
I hope things are progressing for you now hunni! If not Goodluck for induction today xx
LilysMummy said:
BeckyJ said:
im only down the rd from u hun, im in redditch so if i have to go into hospital it will be the alex

glad all is ok, keep us posted x

Im from Redditch :wave: :cheer:

Glad your doing ok! You never know you might go into full blown labour. Did they say how dilated you are? Or did I not read that bit lol

omg small world hun!!!!

good luck gem, keep us posted x

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