The X Factor!!

oh my god! :shock:

what a joke! who votes for little pig face Ray? He shouldnt even have been in the final 12 let alone final 2!
ah well i didnt particulary want any of the final 3 to win, but obviously Leona will win :bored: !
Its all a big fix this year (it might have been in the past to but this year is to obvious)

The warbler who is 15 years out of date is going to win. Suuuch a bore, i was screaming at the tv when she was singing over the rainbow, I cant stand her singing :x
I think Ray is sweet but he is no singer. Shame Ben went but I'm glad it wasn't Leona, I have voted for her every week since it started, I think she's fantastic.
I have to say that I agreed with the voting public tonight. Normally I don't really rate Ray, but I think he's been fantastic the last couple of weeks, and Ben was a bore last night.
i always back the singer who can't sing to win coz thats what happens.
Ray will win it this year.
oh i love ray, hes so cute and hes a little fighter, i think hes the most genuine one and wants it the most, its about x factor not just your voice and ray has it, he can sing hes sweet and he has personality, ben was fake, and i think leona is so talented but theres not much else there
i like ray. i didnt rate ben last night. it is all a fix. they were pushing leona all night.
I really don't see the point in watching it now, as it's just sooooo blooming obvious leona is gonna win it.
leona was fantastic last night that somewhere over the rainbow was out of this world and i feel she desserves to be in the final. not so sure about ray though, i think he sounded a bit off tune a few times although i know he was emotional. i'm going with leona to win now.
yes his performance wasnt his best. they never should have chose that second song. i see why they did. but his voice doesnt suit it at all
I only heard a clip of Leona singing last week - was it I Have Nothing?

Anyway, whatever it was, that girl is a fooking amazing singer!!
Anyone who can sing a whitney houston song and not make it sound karoake is a star to me!!!! LEONA TO WIN!!!!
Iam really sad, cos iam so excited about tonights final i cant wait, iam even having friends around so we can have a x factor party :rotfl:

Do u think i need to get out more???
no just have plenty of booze in :wink: . That will make Ray sound like he can sing.

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