The X Factor!!

i decided at the beginning of the show that robert was going tonight. and after hearing the train wreck which was eaton roads performance was hoping they would go.

i aslo think the excuse for there performance of 'they all ill' was a cop out. no one else seemed to have the same problems.

i do like eton road, but based on the performance they should have gone.

i cant believe ray listened to the other judges and tryed somethign different. it really didnt work. was an awful song. and he then got trashed by the other judges for doing what they said :x

but ah well. id quite like ben to win. leona is amazing but she is being pushed too much to win. they are always plugging her.

ETA: i think from now on whoever goes is completely down to the public. im finding it funny with the mc donalds. it really is to annoy simon. they did do quite well last night though in my oppinion, no where near the standard set though.

Roberts gone now. Its all a bloody fix i thnik

it is. i found that out last year and had it confirmed this year.
I wish someone would vote that Kate Thornton woman off.
She's rubbish.

eton road have gone! i can throw my ear plugs out!
:cheer: so glad eaton rd went :puke: they made me feel sick!
i want leonie to win!! or is it leona

Ben shouldn't of being in bottom 2. He did an AWSOME version of Live and Let Die (by Guns N Roses)

Next week either Ray or McDonald Brothers should go (Brothers are worst and they ARE the underdogs)

Leona did great but we really need Ben to win (another Bryan Adams/Areosmith in the making) and not another pop band.
bens starteing to sound like he has gravel in the back of his throat though :think:
am i the only one who likes the macdonald brothers :evil:

i only watch it for simon *druels over keyboard* :lol:
But that's what Rockers sound like. If you don't like that listern to Nine Inch Nails then you'll be going OMG WTF :rotfl:
budge said:

eton road have gone! i can throw my ear plugs out!

YEY I watched the sow but missed the result, so glad they went. That boy/girl one was such a weirdo. He looked like plastic and had that weird grin all the time like he was possessed and wore completley different clothes to the rest of them, which made him look silly. His high pitched voice was NOT great for the band, yet he kept using it and making it sound shit. TBH though all the boys sounded weak when they sung on their own on Sat night, not star material.

Mc D Bro's are butlins material. They can sing OK but dont have strong voices, the one with dark hair seems to close his eyes and wobble, like he is really pushing a big note out and from his face you would expect a Lee Ryan belt out, but nothing comes out!

I love Ben, i predicted he would win when I saw him in audition, I think he would be great and also hit the US if he won!

Leona is a great singer, wether she has a big head or not, she is only young and can only get better and she is already bloody good.

Ray, i like him but think Ben and Leona have better voices so IMO should beat him. I remember Ray from Brookside when he played little Anthony ahh haaa
I was sad that Eton Road went, but have to admit that they have been getting worse week after week! I loved their Abba song!!

I was pleased that Simon said something nice to the McDonald Brothers, I was starting to feel really sorry for them, they aren't that bad!!

Leona is great, she has such a great voice and it would be good if a girly won for a change!

I have a conspiracy theory about x-factor - I didnt have time to read the whole trhead so if someone has already said this I apologise!

Anyway, I reckon all of these tv "talent" shows, are teaching hopefuls that to succeed they have to do exactly what thier managers tell them. Ive seen many people go on these shows and lose thier individuality, its a shame it really is becasue you dont have to be a sheep to succeed in ANYTHING but this is the message these programs give out dont you think?

Anyway, i think Leona has a fantastic voice and will probably win, (shes also the most maleable!) but I hope Ben does because he is the most unique and talented out of all of them!
i like the macdonald brothers as well although i can't see them winning, i ilked eton road but they didn't sound great last week. i think ray should have gone though, although he is a good performer.

i like simon cowell normally but he was so smug last sat especially when he voted off eton road, i really want to wipe that look off his face next week. :twisted:
I can't believe Ben was in the bottom two this week. I definitely think it's between him and Leona to win - sorry I know that is really unoriginal but I think the MacDonald brothers are not very good, and Ray is a bit of a one trick pony (good for theatre but not so much as a mainstream singer). I was surprised Robert went out last week as I quite liked him as well.

dont like Ben, think leona will win and ray should be in a musical
I think Leona is the best singer left in without a doubt. Im not keen on Ben, he's a good singer but his voice is weird. Its not the kind of music I would buy.
Leona makes me cry every week, regardless of what song she is singing, bloody hormones!!! :roll: I really think she should win but I am concerned that she won't as like Simon says, its mainly women that vote and historically women don't vote for women.

I really disliked Ray as I can't stnad swing music but I have to say I enjoyed his performance at the weekend.

I did like Ben but I'd like to see him do something really different as I think he is now making almost all his songs sound the same.

Also agree about artists losing their individuality, look at what Louie did to Shane Ward... CRIMINAL! :evil:
I dont suppose it matters who wins cos after a few singles you never hear from them again :?
x-kirsty-x said:
I dont suppose it matters who wins cos after a few singles you never hear from them again :?

:rotfl: :rotfl: and so ends the debate. :rotfl: :rotfl:

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