The weird things our children like..

Pickled onions and extra strong mints. Though not together.

Strange child.
My daughters favourite thing is the advert on Tv telling you to wash your hands when you go into hospital (with all the hands doing different things) she copies each one as best she can, the concentration on her face is hilarious and when it's done she gives herself a round of applause :lol:

green bean just loves our shetland pony. If she so much as takes a step towards him he starts giggling hysterically and when she 'kisses' him he grabs her and cuddles into her. So cute!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Faith likes Loose Women
My mobile,
My mouse (as in computer mouse, lol)
Anything i am trying to eat/drink.

Light fittings, even really boring ones

oh and chewing her feet!
This is going to sound really weird but i wasn't well the other day and i was sick and everything i would make that renching sound (yuck) he would BURST into laughter!!! ive never heard him laugh so much in all my life!!!

He also loves it when you sneeze and the hollyoaks theme tune
You know when dogs scrape the ground with their back legs after weeing to spread their scent around? Well Dan absolutely cracks up when my dog does that! No idea why, he also laughs when she runs! :rotfl:
The theam tune to the little princess and teeth, the minute you pick her up she shoves her fingers in your mouth so she can touch your teeth :roll: strange child.
Another Foxy Bingo baby here Stops her doing ANYTHING!!!
Also my singing (and i'm awful) lights her face up no end.
The christmas decs on the ceiling of shops!
Does anyone else thionk they watch too much TV when thinking about this! :rotfl:

Theme tunes to any TV prog
People clapping on TV
Anything electrical - Remotes, phones etc. My dad has given her an old Nokia with battery etc but she knows it isn't a real one still!
Anything shiny
Straps! When you put her in the car seat, pushchair etc. she immediately chews the straps
Playing Boo makes her laugh, as does going up and down the stairs.
She also loves being upside down and when you are holding her, she throws herself backwards

I am sure there are loads more - I have a strange child!
ive got another couple...

Does anyone watch Neighbours on channel 5? The plinky plonky music that goes with the weight watchers ads either side of neighbours makes her stop what she's doing and stare at the TV.
The other one is me dancing. Im crap at dancing. Maybe thats why she finds it funny.
When Hayden was a baby he loved the sheilas wheels advert he would stare and do a little bop! lol
Now he loves opening and closing doors...fascinating apparently! mummies shoes...well anyones shoes!! he puts them on and shuffles round in! he still loves remote controls and mobile phones and wires...anything he shouldnt be into he is!
fran_23 said:
When Hayden was a baby he loved the sheilas wheels advert he would stare and do a little bop!!

Sheila's bloody Wheels!! Id forgotten about them. Before i had Izzie, Beth bloomin' LOVED them. she used to dance at the telly and she knew the words :rotfl:

"for ladies who enjoy their caaaaaaaaaaarrrrrs.........." :rotfl: :rotfl:
The hearth and fire place. Alex is obsessed with sitting on the heath, he has been for months. You'd think the cold marble would put him off, but no, he loves it.
And recently he's taken to playing with the fake coal from the fire (when it's off, of course lol). He pushes aside the fire guard and gets the coal out and before you know it he's covered in black!

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