Things we like about our appearance.

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Okay folks, let's all say the good and sexy things that we like about ourselves, and give ourselves and our self esteem a lift!

As for me...I like...

My hair, which hasn't suffered, thank goodness!

My teeth, none missing so far!

My smile, which has been known to transform me completely.

The fact that I can be a kid still, at 32 and apologise to no-one for it.

Here's my list :)
Have crap frizzy hair
massive forehead
dry lips
my nose is scarred from a dog bite 8 years ago
about 3 stones overweight
have crap clothes
no money
painfully shy
horrible job that i dread everyday
cant sing
have bad pmt every month
my feet are 2 sizes bigger than before i got preggers
i look like a lesbian on photos
i currently have a trapped nerve in my left leg so i look stupid when i walk

could go on forever lol but i wont. I'm gonna go and cry for a bit i think :lol:
I am tall (6'0), my skin is reasonably clear and I have a nice smile. And first thing in the morning I have a cracking cleavage. My OH also says my bum is lovely so am going to include that too :D

Good thread, was getting down about my saggy bits so it is nice to concentrate on the positive x
I like my hair colour which is auburn and my teeth are ok! I like the fact I can still pass for 19 although I'm nearly 26 but I'm sure that won't last long now I never get any sleep.
Lol hearts81, you sound a bit like me!!! Lol

I have cracking boobies.....erm that's it!!!!!

:D :D :D :D
I have no stretch marks and on my belly :D
Hmm, this is a toughy!!! could go on forever about the bad things!!!

Ok here goes..

My eyebrows...they looked plucked but never seen a tweezer although one has a grey patch which I have to dye on a regular basis, good conversation maker though :? :wink:

Apparently my eyes...big and green!

My lips....big (shame about the teeth)

But best asset would be my personality and bubbliness, I walk down the street some days and even though I dont like myself at the moment (extra , lumpy bits :lol: ) I feel glad that I am me!
Wow...this is hard! we can all openly admit to the negative things, but this is much harder.
I teeth, they are quite white and semi straight!
My Bum isnt too bad, OH seems to like it LOL
I like being short 5'1".....OH's EX makes me laugh, she calls me 'Frog eyed midget' (!!!!!!!????!!!!) LOL my eyes are pretty big as you may have guessed.......and yes it is the only time she has ever made me laugh :evil:

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