the waiting game


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2013
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As harsh as it sounds at the moment I'm currently waiting for the mc to begin and its so horrible. I had a tiny spot of bleeding on friday night and my hcg was at 54, they retook them again on Tuesday and it was at 44. I've had no further bleeding or any pain so its just the waiting game now. I'm having bloods done again tomorrow so guess I'll have to wait for the resullts and then they'll decide whether its ectopic or if I'll need help to start the mc.

Just seems so cruel that I can't do anything except wait and see.
Oh honey, Im so sorry for your loss and that you have to go through this. The waiting is just not right! Takecare of yourself and your oh. Xxx
Oh hon I'm so sorry about you having to wait knowing what's going on!!

Take care of yourself and I'm thinking of you x
Really sorry to read this Hun thinking of you x
Sorry you are going through this.
So sorry to hear this, a close friend of mine is going through the same. Waiting another two weeks for a second scan to see what's going on. Here if you want a chat xxx
I hope to goodness you are ok and that it is not a mc. I am new to this and think I may have had/be having one myself but again I have to wait for another 4 days for scan and they did not test any levels or blood etc just sent me home to rest. (difficult when in agony with major cramps & in agony.) Hope you are ok, life is so unfair xx
I'm getting my blood test results today, but not holding out much hope. I more want answers to put my mum at ease as I feel she's getting her hopes up too much. Will let you all know the results x
Hope ur ok hun. Thinking of ya x

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Didn't get blood results even though they are ready, apparently no one apart from the receptionist was in my gp's today so have to wait till monday. Had a tiny bit of bleeding earlier and legs feel mega crampy, so I'm thinking this might be the mc starting. More waiting I guess!
Oh hunny. I hope it's over really soon. It sounds miserable. It's bad enough having the probable mc without having to wait for it to start. ^hugs^ xxx
Has it started yet hun? I know how u feel, been waiting a week and still nothing and every little thing makes me think its starting.

Whats even worse is im still having some pregnancy symptoms, was even sick this morning.

Good luck xxx
Yeah it started two weeks ago getting towards the end of the bleeding now. I know how you feel even though my hcg was low it took over a week to drop from 46 to 20 and I still had the bleeding. Bought a heart silver necklace yesterday in memory of her (I had a strong feeling it would have been a girl, not sure why) xxx
Awww thats so sweet, i was like that, everytime i thought of it 'it' id think of it as a girl :)

I havent had any hcg tests done :/

Hope you're ok xxx

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