The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

Going through our 4th leap makes this smile all the more special xx


Daddy's face must be funny! :lol:
Ahh hello Toby!! He has such a cheeky smile.

Taffy - only just noticed that. Clever boy!! Goodness what are we gonna do when they start moving properly! We aren't going to be able to leave them for 2 minutes!!!

Ta Spammy xx

I reckon Max is going to be a little Houdini! :)

Thanks Gayle! xx

Karen will do xx

KK, Yeah wrinkles his face at them at the mo. He had a small pile, most of which ended up mushed down the side of his highchair. PS is it you thats been giving him Karate lessons in his cot? lol xxx

Tehehe!! C mashes everything down the side of his highchair.

I can turn Toby into my little protege if you would like? Start em young and all xx

Ha ha! YES!! He could be as bad ass as you are! Are bet you are secretly :D xxxx

Looks so peaceful can't believe Layla is 20 mths already :)
Aww, shes a little dot jazz! So cute :) x

x Lexi-Mai Louise Birkett's Mummy :) x Sharing a birthday with her baby boy buddies Ethan and Aaron!! x

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