The super indulgent 'how cute is my baby?' thread!!

aw thanks...and how grown up does Cahal look sitting up on his own?? I will never get over how scary it is how fast they grow and change!!!!
It is amazing how quick it all goes isn't it?! Just in the last 2 weeks Cahal has started sitting on his own, cutting his first tooth, and is now on solids....I wish I could slow him down a bit lol!

Minchin, that last pic of you and Owen is lovely :)
Lee, Dominic and Drake


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Cant believe how this thread has taken off- we are proud mummys indeed!

Yodabo, Drake is such a beautiful baby!

Here is Ella today:

Awwww girls just caught up again! Sooooo cute! Can't wait till its my turn :)

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I haven't got photobucket so can't see your pic Evie!
Emma, that's a lush pic, where's your eldest?
Annie, Ella's looking so grown up now! Can't believe she's 4 months already!

Charley's trying to eat his rattle! He kept getting really upset because he couldn't fit it in his mouth but then tried again and then got upset again!! Lol

It's not a pic it's a link to a video should work if you click on it :)
Lol nope she don't lol! Only give her them two spoons she was still doing the shiver down the spine thing for a bit afterwards lol! Think the flavour was a bit strong for her lol! She ate all her choc pudd after tho lol!
Not sure if this pic qualifies as cute or not, but Cahal is grabbing and eating EVERYTHING. He grabbed my bottle of water and starting sucking on it and I couldn't resist taking a pic!


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aww evie she proper didnt like that it looked like she was sucking on sour sweets bless her funny the faces they pull with new foods haha
I can't keep up with all these adorable babies.

Tomos is now becoming more and more vocal in the night, and want's to be cuddled all the time, so he's now taking over my bed.


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